Dear WoW Devs, Buff Ring.. Thanks

You literally said that if they say they’re going to do it they’ll do it. They said they’re going to do this. That’s not speculation.

Until Ion says, “Hey guys, looks like the rings are not doing well, expect a buff soon.” Then dont expect a buff at all. Ion is notorious for staring at spreadsheets and showing a huge disconnect with what is actually going on with the community…

“The Annulet and Primordial Stones, once fully upgraded, should be relevant and should be an upgrade for basically everyone. That’s part of why it spans multiple item levels and has multiple effects. it should be something that’s worth chasing for everyone.”

How much more obvious does this have to be made? It’s literally been two days since this patch dropped. Chill.

HAHAHA they cant even get the tool tips correct!

those interns

I am not saying they will not, I am just saying its not guarantied until we see it in writing. So dont hold your breath. Be hopeful, yes. But do not place your money on it… That is all I am saying…

I am sitting on a good chunk of Unstable Elementium myself and not upgrading the gems till I see something from Blizz. Hence, still hopeful, but also skeptical.

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Okay, here you go.

Are you finally satisfied?

Actually very happy… :slight_smile:

Its kinda funny how this ring is simultaneously useless garbage that no one wants and also fomo borrowed power youre required to spend weeks grinding just to be able to do content. Seems no matter what blizZard does theyre the badguy.

I agree it needs to be buffed, just making an observation on the fun that is the wow community when anything happens.

Some people don’t like the ring, some people do but the ring is weak and they want it buffed; it’s not like the community is one collective mass that agrees on everything, it’s actually the opposite. So of course there are going to be differing opinions across the forums.

Item level to item level. Its still simming lower on my BM Hunter then compared to a crafted ring of same item level (I used 418 for both for an apples to apples comparison). Only thing the ring really has going for it is that it goes to 424, which is higher then I am going to get on hunter since I just leveled it up just a week and half ago.

raidbots. com/simbot/report/vF2zjto4ci6d5vXM9xN3FN

But at least its not simming below a 392 ring again LOL…

The problem with this methodology is, unlike stats, the gems don’t have universal value across target counts or situations.

Sure in pure st it might be a smidge better, but those ST gems don’t scale at all with targets, and the AoE gems are horrific on single target.

So while sure, they might have successfully made it the tiniest bit better on single target, you’re still not going to use it anywhere except terros.

I currently agree. Think the intent is to let players have multiple rings for multiple encounters. But I am still hoping that they add some secondary stats to the ring its self. Though I doubt it will happen.

That would work for a distinction between like… Council and terros, but mythic+ for example is far more than all st or all aoe.

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Yep, would force players to put together a ring that is just meh at ST and AoE in hopes of having best of both worlds.

Again if they would just put secondary stats on the rings it would help correct that issue to a degree.

Putting secondaries on it would make it insanely powerful and the default best option by a mile. At this point the best option is to buff its effects.

It’s already the best option and default by a mile for the specs that dont care about secondaries and hot garbage for the ones that do. Buffing the effects only increases that gap even further.

They’ve already said they’re willing to nerf / turn off the bonus effects if it ends up lasting too long into next season, so why not at this point just make it actually good for everyone.

They said THAT was their intent… Make it stupidly good and if its still preferred come season 2, then they will nerf it…

That said, another reset tonight… Wonder if that has anything to do with the ring balancing again?

The only way the ring becomes BiS is if it gets stats outside of Stamina. Then the problem shifts that the ring is BiS instead of optional.

Good news, the ring is now BiS. You may commence rejoicing.

It’s intended to be BiS for everyone.

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The ring absolutely needs an even spread of secondary stats. 150 Mast, Haste, Crit and Verse on the upgraded 424 version would put the ring in a good place without having to keep balancing the stones. THEY need to just add the stats and be done with it…

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