Dear Transmog Fans

That’s sad. The amazing shield with lordaeron crest, the scarlet crusade flame and the hammer with the simbol.

All to waste. I am still mad about it.

cloaks that don’t just hang off your neck would be nice. they’ve started it with SL with the weird floaty rings and the stabbiness that is whatever you wanna call the venthyr backpiece. we really need armor with some depth to it. I mean chestpieces and pants are basically a mix of colors spread over the top of our characters’ model.

as far as aesthetic, I’d like some somber Bloodborne styles. perhaps some more themed stuff like Monster Hunter where you look like you are basically wearing some creatures entire… uh… body. ew. but neat looking!

To me it isn’t so much gear as it is some of the stuff you can get at the barber shop .

I’m a hunter and most hunter gear looks horrendous . That is why I made my own but I think a great way to complete it would to have a scar where the eye patch is .

Right now only OG Orcs have the eye scar . Blizz should make it so that base races and their allied race counter part have similar things like tats , scars et cetera . Kind of like they did with the Blood and void elves.

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Yes and let us choose to use guns left handed

Looks for a Vulpera to give Rhay a fox - fur coat

oh wait you said faux my bad :rofl:


You could be a diaper gnome.

OMG yes good question I feel like casual wear is REALLY missing.

Like…themed sets that aren’t 100% armor per say but make perfect sense for most of us to be wearing or adore.

The explores set from RAF is a perfect case for what’s needed because it fits for a adventurer.

I want stuff that looks like real clothes or even medieval armor mostly.

A dress would be so lovely to give us. not with the robes but like a real fluffed out dress

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My biggest “missing” thing, is the fact that some character models look bad in any armor (ie. trolls having massive gaps between the actual shoulder plates and the body - believe undead have the same issue).

Other than that - I think their polearm options are pretty sub par/same with 2h maces.

The game has a complete lack of fan service and all the skimpy transmog looks like it’s straight off the PS1.

Two primary gripes off the top of my head are 1) the number of weapon colors/tints I’ve invested significant time into acquiring (particularly MT and BoP) that don’t match any armor appearance I own or can find; and 2) a lack of neutrally-styled “filler” items (not too saturated, no busy pattern or trim) to replace that one piece of a mixed set that completely blows the whole thing up.

Could use some NPC weapons as mogs. Looking at the nightborne here. Some very nice weapons there. And elune knows in the freeing of suramar we kill quite a few. Let those corpses give up the good stuff.

I like that BFA gave me some great kit to complete my Pirate Queen transmog.

We need more street clothes. Leather pants in real life don’t look like they were pieced from recycled leather scrap.

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More collars. I really dislike when you hide a helm, but have to stare at the back of your characters neck.

Collars also help fill the gap between shoulder armors that look weird without a helm

I’d also like to see headbands and non-helmet helms be useable with collars. I think it would add a lot more options and combo’s

Oh and trench coats. BFA was the perfect opportunity for them and we got zero. The assets were there, the NPCs in Boralus had them :slightly_frowning_face:


I’d like to see more racial themed sets. I’ve loved how many Troll options there are and it’d be cool to have that for other races. We have some with Heritage armors and the warfront sets but I’d love to see more. Especially if they got more specific like to show specific roles within those race.

Also I REALLY want a kilt/skirt/robe version of the green mail ZG/ZA set. They added everything to Island expeditions but it not a kilt version of the pants. (which is a model they definitely have cause several NPCs use it)


This would be nice. I got my dwarf heritage and while it’s cool, it’s definitely not a priest armor set

It also looks super odd to use any weapon other than a sword + shield with it

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I’d like a black cloak that go over the arms/wrap around most of the body. With a top hat would make a perfect Snidely Whiplash transmog for me :smiley:

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Yup, lots of sets missing an item or two. Like the vanilla “Imperial Plate” set never got any matching gloves. That’s the first set I remember not being complete, and every time I see another, it bothers me.

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Not enough shorts. All the shorts are vanilla with like 3 pixels.

We need skirts.

More hats that don’t make toons bald.

the mog went downhill after legion. for one questing stuff to actually have decent mog to usually 5 or 6 say chests all bland and basically the same thing come on put some effort in and actually make different good looking pieces. shorts lots and lots and skirts lots and lots. every expansion should have way more variations on colors of everything some expansion say you love pink purple whatever you get like none of what you like.