Dear Tipsout: Verdan the Everliving
(courtesy of PandT13 - r/classicwow)
Going into this guy with busted armor, low mana on heals, 3 levels below him… isn’t buggy…

He just hits hard.

Please consider sleeping/researching before submitting these kinds of reports.

Thanks and have a nice day

EDIT: Title change to be more respectful.


Good advice for all Beta testers when you think about it.


"Dear Beta Testers:

If you feel that something is amiss about an enemies health, damage, armor, etc, please consider the following.

  1. What is your level differential. Being 3 levels below a normal enemy in Classic more akin to being 5-7 levels below them in Modern. If they’re a boss, this is a SNAFU on your part.
  2. What is your current buff, debuff, armor health, and rotation situation? Failure to utilize debuffs, buffs, and ensuring that all of your armor is fully repaired is akin to a varying amount of minus levels. Even a single broken armor piece can be equivalent to an entire level drop on your part (more if it’s a large piece like a chest). This can result in a SNAFU on your part.
  3. What is your healers mana level, current level, and throughput healing? Engaging an enemy at less than 100% for all party members is a recipe for disaster. You might find that you lack healing, or your DPS fails to keep up when starting at 50% resource. Errors here can result in a SNAFU on your part.
  4. Finally, assuming that you entered a boss-level fight with properly repaired gear, no debuffs remaining from other mobs, the correct resource level for an at rest healer/dps, and you’re the appropriate level (read: at or above the enemy), then it is worth considering that something may be amiss.

Should you come to step four, having discarded steps 1 through 3 as not being applicable, the final questions remain.

  • Did you ensure your gear is appropriate for the situation? Level appropriate gear is a must. Quest greens from 3-4 levels ago are not appropriate unless you out level the enemies.
  • Did you ensure that your gear has the proper stats, not just the proper levels? You must abstain from wearing strength leather as a warrior, regardless of how much damage it provides. Tanking will not work with that.
  • Did you ensure that the talents you have taken are giving you the best edge possible? A dps build can function as a tank fairly well, but not when under leveled or at a disadvantage.

If none of these apply, and you believe that your rotation and understanding of how to play are correct, I advise you to double check with theorycrafters one final time to properly understand the situation.

Assuming that none apply, the theory agrees you should have been fine (barring RNG crit strings), and your team did it’s job correctly?

Congratulations, you may now submit a bug report."

Classical Combat Corporation thanks you for your contributions and wishes you every possible advantage going forward. Thank you, and may the RNG always favor you.

Please note: You may submit a bug report if you believe that our Random Number Generator is faulty. Given the nature of randomness, we can not assist you with this issue. We can only attempt to alter it going forward if it appears to be a problem overall.


That mob kicked my butt on my druid when was similar kinda level difference.
And that was when was totally prepared

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Sleep Deprivation. Its a hell of a drug.


Obviously you were not prepared.


I cant remember but the greatest WOW expansion had someone who regularly said that… HMMM… Classic is great too…


Seems like the prophet Alex was right after all about him.


Tips never played vanilla he started in cata and has only seen vanilla on pservers.


When he started making his classic videos he was in deadmines body pulling and causing wipes.

It was pretty painful to watch.


you sir, are a scholar and a gentleman!



Non streamer has played the original vanilla style ish facepalm to all of them

That guy for sure hits hard… hopefully people aren’t spamming the bug reporter whenever they aren’t satisfied with something



That guy for sure hits hard… hopefully people aren’t spamming the bug reporter whenever they aren’t satisfied with something

This needs to be a new post title.


channels the soul of my baby warrior of days gone by
Hey, leave my Robust Helm of the bear out of this! Strength/stam and all I have gotten so far! lol

cries thinking about all the “of the whale” that’s incoming

Hilariously, the whole run looked entirely accurate to me. Druids of the Fang glitching through the ceiling, the walls. That one mob being stuck in the ground, evade bugging until someone went up to face tank it.

The only thing that wasn’t accurate was Skum not fleeing. Still, good times!


Riiiight. It’s sleep deprivation. Riiiiight.


The hate for Tips has reached derangement levels. If you watched the actual WC run, everything was mostly smooth up until that point. Given that it was at the end of a 12+ hour marathon for those guys, of course they are going to make mistakes.

But it’s Tips, and there seem to be a lot of purists who think he’s not authentic enough because he didn’t hit 60 during Vanilla. Nevermind how much time he has spent on private servers recapturing lost Vanilla knowledge and the ridiculous amount of hours he spends making videos.

But noooooo… He’s not authentic enough!



The boss in a level 20 Dungeon hit for 90% of his HP with 1 broken item.

He was hardly reaching when calling it a possible bug.


No Durability = No Stats (Armor / Resistance / Ability Stats)

Ergo: A tank with a broken chest piece is a bad tank.