Dear Raider IO

yea doing a cloak quest and doing world quest makes you SOOOO ready to tackle a +15. If you want that +15 key work for it. Crying that you’re alts can’t do it makes you sound like a whiner nothing more. I have alts who can’t do 15s. I’m happy to just do a 10 or lower on them. Hell I have alts that just do 2s. You don’t see me complaining why I can’t get into a +15 run on them when I have a 3k main.

steals popcorn

I’m not sure I’d agree they are jamming mounts in the cash shop, there are so few when compared to the number available exclusively in-game it hardly bears mention, and the frequency in which they’re added doesn’t really scream cash grab to me. As far as the industry is concerned, even when compared to games that only offer cosmetic gains on their shop WoW has a pretty limited spread. On top of that, they’re moving a paid option out of the shop and into the game.

I don’t see how the existence of mounts in the cash shop, and player power grinds in the game is evidence they are primarily motivated by making money, and that changes in the game should (or will) only happen when it’s financially beneficial.

You’ve cherry picked a system in SL (one that has had little to no iteration) and ignored the very obvious reference to covenant, soul bind, and conduit changes that the devs have made based on feedback from players. Where you see short term profit mongering I see professionals trying to produce the best product.

You alright? I’m not crying, but your language in your post does make me wonder if you’re right on the edge of it.

I’d appreciate if you don’t equivocate the term ready into some bare minimum effort and then use that poor attempt at discrediting me as the basis for your attack.

Your argument is that on top of being prepared for a key through all the in-game systems I should also be required to grind RIO score, independently on every character, in order to be acceptable. Let’s focus on that issue rather than try to derail it through emotional outbursts and name calling.

If RIO is so mandatory that you should be required to grind it on every character before they are acceptable, then I’d say that’s a strong argument for adding it to the game.

Which is my entire point to begin with.

I mean, if you’re trying to get in other people’s groups, you have to meet whatever their requirements are.

Pushing your own keys avoids the issue, and since you’re geared and experienced, it won’t take long to have a high key in your cache every week.


Well, it’s not mandatory, you don’t have to use it to make your groups, or if you have friends or a guild to run with.

But if they did put it in, I would still like to have it work the same. The reason every alt should have a score is that everyone’s not the same skill across characters. Maybe you’re 3k on your fire mage, that doesn’t mean you’re good at your disc priest.

So you’d really be in the same boat, just mad at Blizz instead.


Did you read my other threads about keystone rumors, there could be a solution for the general Rio novice.

Sharing is caring, so gimme some popcorn!

If it makes you feel any better I’m a BM hunter…which is finally a FoTM spec…with a 4k io and I still get declined from 15s…that’s probably because there are hundreds of dps to choose from.


Declined with 4kio? You could basically carry a 15 with that skill level lol

Lol gotta love desperate people looking for attention. Someone made a toon on my server just to mail me

Agree with this.

They’ve listened to some feedback. Its still a super convoluted system of rental powers and treadmill grinding for player power.

If Shadowlands goes live with player power tied to locked covenants it will be an unmitigated disaster when the masses realize they picked the wrong covenant.

If you think getting declined from groups due to raiderio is bad you have another thing coming.

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That sounds like fud to me. The covenant choice won’t make the game unplayable for players.
You set yourself up for frustration, if you think there is only one correct choice.

You set yourself up for frustration if you think a lot of group leaders won’t treat bit as another layer of meta you need to meet.

As mentioned in some comments, the groups who rely on IO score with regards to your performance is shocking. IO score does not rate the value of your experience as a player. You know your character inside out and someone who declines you & states your IO score is too low, is in my opinion killing the end game for players. For those of us looking to experience the Mythic + it is becoming a mission due to group leaders looking for the elitists out there. Yes you can run your own, but not everyone is in a guild where all members are online.

Just my rant, but I think others feel the same.


It does, at least, show if you’re likely to have experience in the relevant dungeon/key level. Which isn’t unreasonable to look for when forming a group of strangers if you want to have the highest chance at completing.

You don’t only have to run with your guild. You can add friends found along the way, join a community, or pug your own key.


This right here is what I find the most frustrating. In this thread you have access to a ton of people who feel the same as yourself. Get together and run a dungeon with them. Make a group saying looking for people who hate raider IO will run keys.

What I’ve noticed is that most people who rant about IO blame the group leader but never want to take the responsibility to be a leader themselves. Quit whining about it and make a group, its not hard and the worst that can happen is you fail the dungeon.

If everyone out there hated IO and couldn’t find groups because of it, then it would no longer be used. The majority of people are happy enough with it that they continue to use it. If most people are ok with it then its indicative that its a you problem and not a problem with the addon.


You’re not wrong, my friend. There are several variables that make it hinder several people. Not everyone has the same opportunities as everyone else, that’s just truth.

Not every person can run their own. I’ve seen several posts where it just didn’t work. Whether they failed or nobody wanted to group with them because they were wanting a M0 group and were not geared for M10. I experienced this myself several times at first. It’s perfectly understandable how it would turn people off. The average person is going to judge many things with their first few impressions.

I use it because if I don’t, I’d never progress any further. I’d have hit a wall and then stop playing until the next content patch or expansion. It is frustrating, I know. Unfortunately, too many people on my side of the fence are incapable of thinking rationally. They would rather wind people up and make them feel inept then like their own comments with all of their own alts.

My advice to you is to simply try your own key at first, wait it out and go from there. Maybe even wait until SL to do so because at this point in the expansion, people are only going to invite people who far outgear the content for speed and trying to get that achievement. While this is really bad design and hurts any returning players, it’s just design working against itself. Perhaps things will improve in SL.

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What makes you think that? Last i checked, everyone can create any class, run any dungeon and spend as much time as he wants in progressing.

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While I agree that Blizz is largely motivated by profits (as are all other for-profit companies in the entire world), I do believe they are also very much motivated by passion for the products they release. Contrary to popular forum belief, they are gamers at heart, just like us.

But your points in this particular quoted paragraph I completely disagree with.

Blizz has known that their games have a “shelf life” since they were made. They know that any game, or every game, can fail at any point. This is true today and it was true the day they started development on every game they’ve ever made. Nothing is different today just because the game is “old”.

They don’t “jam” any more mounts into the Shop today than they ever have before. They add about 2 mounts a year (sometimes 3, sometimes 1). You act like we see a new store mount every month or something. Also, we can “earn” the mounts in-game if we like…we can work toward getting the gold to buy tokens in game and buy the Shop mounts with Blizz Balance rather than cash (and yes, I am aware that they make more money off of Tokens, that doesn’t change that someone can earn what they need for the mount in game if they so choose).

Enticing people to purchase 6 month subs actually makes them less money. The 6 month sub is $2 less per month than the month to month sub counterpart. Plus the mount is free to those people who already pay less per month. They’d make more cash just putting the mount in the store from the start, or by making it free to anyone with a month to month sub. This alone negates your “they’re only in it for the money and nothing else” argument.

I do, however, completely agree with you that the grinds for things we want are much more fun and engaging than the grinds for things we “need”. They feel much less like chores and more like accomplishing a goal. There are so many “I need this” grinds in the game that the “I want this” grinds get left in the dust out of sheer exhaustion, honestly.

I do have to say, however, that after a few weeks the “grind” is gone and the needed things just come with what is normal play today (WQs, M+, raiding, PvP, whatever you normally do).

I also would like to see some of the old style daily hubs come back. I like that they added that aspect back in places like Mechagon and Naz. I think the combination of the two (new WQ style dailies and old style daily hubs) would be nice, as I like both styles.

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