Dear Raider IO

I think maybe you misunderstood what I said. Either that or you are a prime example of what I was referring to. Please do not reinforce the stigma that we have.

Nope he was a drunk and a wife beater, in ways that only an Ulster Scot can be. The only good advise he ever gave was this right here.

I’m not so sure. Social pressure can be a very powerful tool. Look at the current environment of BLM, Trump, feminism, mask wearing etc. We contently see people engaging in social manipulation by making people feel guilty and through ostracization.

I typically use it as a last resort myself as I’m not prone to being social under most circumstances nor do I really care for forcing others to conform to your beliefs.

However learning to take responsibility for ones own short comings and learning to no longer blame others for them is perhaps one of the most admirable traits anyone can have. This hold true in all areas of life. It creates stable relationships and marriages, good work environments, and provides a shining example to the younger generations. Something that is sorely lacking at the moment.

As an example no one enjoys working for a mid level manager who tells his boss that the reason the shipment is late is because his crew is lazy when hes upstairs in air conditioning watching YouTube. This type of behavior leads to resentment and I think thats how I’m starting to feel in general about IO threads now.

I don’t care about meta slaves, for the most part I run dungeons with friends I made in game.

Good idea. But not everyone does. And this is going to hit those who don’t the hardest.

I’m sorry to hear that about him. I teach my sons to be gentlemen with women.

We all have our views of what does or does not help people. I’m never about using those statements like “git gud”, “grow a pair” or “suck it up” because they never really go far when you use them on randoms. When it comes from a parent, it’s one thing because it’s their job to help you grow and develop. When random people on the internet use them, it just comes across as unnecessary and makes the deliverer sound unhelpful, almost as if they have nothing better to say but want to feel like they do.

While there are people on the other side of the fence who do blame others for their shortcomings, there are several who make very valid points. Too many on our side prefer to stick our fingers in our ears because we’re afraid any changes will cause a hindrance to us, though slightly hypocritical, but logical. I run higher keys than most people who bury their head in the sand yet I still feel that improvements can be made. Why not make the system work better? This same kind of discussion came about when the idea of LFR was being introduced. The small % of people who raided were absolutely enraged that others were going to be engaged in “their content.”

I would like it if people could see eye to eye and say, you are here that must mean you are capable of running this/timing this key.
I don’t like to see people in M0 gears participating in 15s, just for the higher rewards from weekly chests. The mindset that comes with boost/carry runs is not healthy for the general playerbase.
I wish blizz would implement something where you can only see/participate in key levels that your character is geared for and has experience with.

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This, I can agree with. There are other games with similar gates that you and you alone have to cross before you can access something. I know that ilvl is similar to this but probably not the best metric considering how it works unless it was overhauled.

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They could lock them by completion achievement per key level + ilevel requirement. But at that point you’ve basically got IO since you’d eventually need to do every one.

That looks like a you problem

I dont think anybody disagrees with making the system work better. But you need to be a little bit more specific than “work better”. Plenty of people might have different opinions on this and the loudest cry in this forum is: “It needs to go away completly, then i can run any key i want”.
The problem with any suggestions, even if they arent completly uninformed or malicious, is that they dont think their idea through or think about how their change would impact other players. I have yet to see a good, concret, suggestion to improve it, even though i would love it to work better.

So a forced rio with the additional exclusion element of gear? Are you sure about this? You want to enforce the current system and even delete all ways in which people might carry the alt of a friend through some dungeons to gear them?

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If people want to play with their undergeared IRL friend or guildies, they should be allowed to.

If people don’t want to play with baddies, they should be allowed to, this is not kindergarten, no one should be forced to play with anyone.

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I’m not sure I’ve seen any in this thread. Any point I’ve seen is someone trying to shift responsibility onto someone else or just saying I don’t want to.

  • WoW devs should include it in game so its not third party.
  • IO devs should create scores in a different way (You have the ability to make a different addon any time using weighted scores.)
  • Saying party leaders misinterpret scores
  • Saying party leaders rely on IO scores to much
  • I don’t want to push my own key
  • I should be picked above other players
  • The idea that the only reason someone isn’t chosen for a group is because of IO
  • I don’t want to put in the time to do low keys that I don’t get gear from instead I should be carried in high keys, causing failures while I learn mechanics.
  • I don’t want to socialize and build a friends list.
  • I don’t want to grind gold or buy tokens to buy carries. (I hate this myself but it is an option)
  • I don’t want to look for an active guild.

And yet there are four easy ways to push into high keys

  • Build a friends list, join a community or a guild that pushes keys.
  • Push your own keys as high as you can.
  • List a group were you carry or push keys.
  • Buy a carry.

If you refuse to do any of these things then the blame is on you. Justify it all you want but that doesn’t change this fact.

I don’t mind suggestions to make IO better. In fact earlier in this thread I listed several different ways to create different weighted scores and make IO have a customizable tooltip (like TSM.)

Its been a long time but if I remember right it was a very small percentage of raiders who felt this way.

Furthermore they were asking for people to not have content available to others, in this thread we’ve seen the “elitists” (and I don’t know how I’m elitist with only a 1400 score) trying to show how people can join the content. In response we get people sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling I can’t hear you


Something like that, per character, cause it’s part of character progression, and per dungeon and not like finish all dungeons at level eight to get access to level ten difficulty.

Great if you only want to run a few at higher levels. But it’s going to feel like trash when your usual group has a 12 key for one you only are you to 8 on, and you can’t go.

Blizzards minimum gear requirements are often quite low, see heroic dungeons, lfr raids, warfronts, that would do just fine.

At the moment though I can run guildies through dungeons up to a +10 the day they cap. Forcing me to run them through normals then heroics then 0’s before I could do that would make me rethink running people.

I think it would cause a wider gap between people who are already geared and those who are fresh alts or players. Now they are forced to run 10+ dungeons hoping for gear at each break point before they can join their friends.


You know you could just open group finder, tick auto-invite, and set item level that you think is suitable for your key right?

Please tell me why don’t you just do this, other than you just want to leech other people’s key.

It would need a little time to adjust to coming from the current less restrictive system.
But you and your friends would build up keys together to be able to run keys together.
There would have to be some threshold, like you can partake in all lower keys but can only access keys that are like one, two or three levels higher, which fits the current upgrade range.

That’s where objectivity comes into place. I’ve seen many from our side take a comment completely out of context (deliberately? not sure). We can’t dismiss the concerns of others, even if we disagree. Plenty of the things you’ve listed (their concerns) are not necessarily wrong. Some people don’t go into all the detail that may be necessary to justify them.

While your suggestions of easy ways are valid, I’ve seen several comments where they don’t always work. Some people are not the best at making friends. Many people play video games because they have social anxiety (common) or may not have joined a social server (unbeknownst to them at the time). Some people try to push their own keys and I read a guy yesterday that was a healer who had no takers for days. And I’ve seen carries for quite a lot. While “a lot” is subjective, some servers seem greedier than others.

If you don’t mind, that’s great! Too bad most on our side are extremely dismissive.

I just remember repeat threads on the forums and a lot of outrage. The point being that some are afraid of change or don’t like the idea of general accessibility.

The fingers in the ear come from both sides, you’re not wrong. I just see the responses from both sides and I can easily see why people view our side the way they do. Most of us are not helpful nor friendly. While there is no rule that we have to be, many of us love to throw our stones inside our glass houses.