Dear New Players

I’d like to point that i spent half of BFA without even playing the proper expac at all because of how bad it was. And my btag list is like barely 1/4 of what it was on Legion because so many people gave up on it. Dismissing criticism as “elitist complain” proves that you have absolutely no gasp or understanding of the problems. I have a hard time taking your replies seriously because you are essentially dismissing criticism in the same fashion as someone who is going to argue to death that apples are colored blue.
Or if you want a closer example, you are like the person defending that Warcraft 3 reforged is a good remake and on par with the original. I can objectively prove you thats 100% false just like the claim that “criticism is elitist’s complain”

Dude. I been fooling around on PTR to kill time until retail returns and I was practically 1 shot by a rogue. I get it. But just because there are complications doesn’t mean I’m going to whine and complain and drop a vat of arsenic in the pool of enthusiasm and excitement for what IS to come.

As always, a polished experience.

omg don’t listen to this level 50

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you win today lol

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The devs needs to know when something is wrong or needs a fix. And feedback happens to be the way to be heard because they don’t seems to read the beta forums or, if they do, they read in a very selective fashion.

Problem is that when the complications completely cripples your ability to enjoy the content, something is seriously messed. If people didn’t care, you wouldn’t see complains at all. And if i didn’t care so much for the game to be good and for people to play it, i would have dropped and stopped posting on forums entirely. Instead, I and several others speak in the chance that stuff can be fixed before it hits live and to let devs know where they went wrong and what can be done to improve. We are all humans and make mistakes, which is why criticizing others is helpful to make the point clear. Irrational hatred, insults or "THIS SUCKS AND YOU SHOULDN’T EVEN HAVE ADDED IT TO THE GAME " is unhelpful and i agree thats not a good way to make the point clear.

Isle Expeditions, complain:

Proper feedback:
Isle expeditions feels incredibly repetitive in the gameplay aspect as all you do is pull mobs, aoe, repeat ad nauseum. There is nothing else to it really, trying to hunt for mogs or mounts is frustrating due to low drop chance and lack of consistent way to target them. And the fact you need to do so many for azerite, especially so if you are behind, makes them feel more like a chore than actual content.

You do realize that this is the kind of input that I encourage right? I’m not sure how you came away from my OP with “everybody complaining is wrong”. I felt it was obvious that my post was directed towards encouraging new players to disregard the vast majority of half hearted complaining that exists on the forums.

I’ve literally been agreeing with you since your first edited response; but somehow you took something I said personally and clearly felt I was somehow discrediting legitimate criticism.

I felt I did a pretty good job explaining that there will be both good, and bad; but I suppose not.

If I were going to get into a full break down of good VS bad on a simple “Dear New Players” post I’d of done so. But I figured when addressing new players, it best to leave it to being as simple as “tomorrow is going to have some problems, bare with them and it will be fixed in time”; which was, in fact an obvious conclusion to my OP <3.

Don’t forget to inform the New Player’s that addons are only a option.

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This one needs to stay bumped for a day or so. Good stuff.

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I’m trying. But it would appear as though I’m failing some fellow veteran players that are seemingly missing my overall point.


Screw em :slight_smile:

Cheers :beers:

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Dear veterans,

Be prepared for the continuous whining of the WoD babies. WhY iS tHe GaMe NoT wOrKiNg YeT? will be spewed from their mouth holes more times then we will be able to count.

They never experienced the day of TBC launch… and how it took them 16 hours to get the game even remotely stable and when our mounts, whoops, vanished because of the new mount tab and it took them 48 hours to just get you 1 back, and how the servers crashed for 14 days straight.

Please guide these younglings to the correct output of where to go cry in a corner, and where to complain so that no one else can read or hear what they have to say about the obvious situation at hand, and how WoW devs never once have “sped up the process” just because we have a 250 page forum post about how it’s “not fair” we can’t play the game today.

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Insert Charlie Sheene WINNING!

Thank you for this post. This is the first pre-patch I have been around for (This level 50 you see is my first maxed character I worked on, not including boosts) and I was curious to see what could/would unfold. I didn’t really start to play WoW until late into BFA’s life cycle. Last time I played was back in 2011 or so.

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You’re quite welcome!

Yes, there is a chance this pre-patch could break the game for a little while. But they ALWAYS fix it. Sometimes sooner than later. Which is why you see so much hate; some people have little understanding of the task Blizzard has at hand.

To level squish, and re-balance an entire universe is an unbelievably heavy task.

But I can assure you, it always gets fixed. That’s why we’re all still here :wink: (even those who complain about every expansion since WoD; yep, they’re still here lol complaining).


Dear Old players

Add TL;DR to your threads.

That’s definitely good to know. I know a lot of people didn’t like BFA, and I could see why to some extent. Also, as someone who hasn’t really played any of the other expansions, I’m looking forward to going through and getting a good grip on the stories and events. Maybe i’ll be able to see why people are still complaining about WoD! Lol

lol Shadowlands will be a great opportunity for me to do some catching up as well! Very exciting time!

Player joins a “forum”, complains about TL:DR xP. Here’s your sign.


We need more love posts like this!
Wow is a wonderful game and has 100’s if not 1000’s of hours of gameplay to offer new players. Enjoy!
It’s easy to get wound up in hot topic ideas. Some even need serious discussion, but inspiring change through polite discourse is the prefered method.

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I try to be positive in most of my posts, though not always successful I think it’s a safe bet that I do fairly well lol.

I like to write, don’t care bout “TLDR” whiners, and like to discuss creative, motivating and encouraging topics. You’ll see more, I promise.


Edited my post, are you happy? You can stop crying in your soup now.

By the way, what makes you even think I wanted to be a guide? You’re taking my post like I’m upset or something. I stopped playing the game hardcore three expansions ago and wouldn’t make a good guide. However, I looked at the requirements, they are ridiculous. Plenty of nice folks who do simple PVE that would be a great fit to guide, but oh know, they didn’t pay for a mythic run!

Judging by your responses, I’m sure you meet the requirements and this is exactly my point. People with your attitude shouldn’t be allowed to assist new players. I can only imagine if someone asked what you would take as a “stupid questions”. You’d probably drive half the new player base away.

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