Dear Infinite Dragonflight

We need to go back in time and prevent Illidan from ever being born.

Think of every time a Demon Hunter annoyed someone with that whole “I sacrificed everything! what have you given?” nonsense…

We could greatly improve the course of history by making sure none of that ever happens.

When we get to Legion times, we can simply have the Rogues steal the Sargerite Keystone. They are better at stealing things anyway.

Demon Hunters have literally never done anything else of significance for us. They stole a rock, then they annoyed everybody.

Let’s do it, infinites. Let’s make the world a better place :smiley:


The new dilemma:

If you could go back in time would you kill baby Arthas to prevent the culling of Stratholme?


Uh, no. I’d go back and kill baby Kel’thuzad.


How about stopping ashara from ever opening a portal for the legion and introducing demons.

Completely stopping mages from ever learning about fel and demons. Thus warlocks ceasing to exist

How about going back in time and preventing the titans from ever controlling (enslaving?) world souls in the first place.

(Lol we just keep getting reductive)

How about going back in time and preventing the fall of Blizzard and the utter destruction of their reputation.

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Let’s not get too crazy lol

But also Warlocks were invented by the Eredar in ancient Argus so that would not prevent us from being.

A eredar warlock asking for demon hunters to be gotten rid of… :thinking:

I guess I’m with the not!legion agent on this one.

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No thanks. I’ll gladly keep my Demon Hunters.

Wasn’t there an alternative timeline we went into, where Illidan didn’t become a DH? I swear we did something like that…

I think it was the one where we found a young Malfurion’s skull, and also I think Illidan and Tyrande got together in that timeline, lol.


Nevermind, it’s from a timeline where Illidan himself became a demon-lord lol, and the demons took over Azeroth and beyond, totally the opposite of what I was thinking.

And there’s another timeline quest where we help one of them woo Tyrande, I forget which one that was.

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Illidan is more than 10,000 years old and was instrumental in stopping the first invasion of the Burning Legion.

Removing him likely means the end of Azeroth long before World of Warcraft began.

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Anything Illidan can do, Malfurion can do it better.

Just ask Tyrande lol

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This thread sounds like it was written by someone who hasn’t given anything tbh

sacrificeless behavior

As warlocks we sacrifice countless souls to make things better. We are all about sacrifice!!!

And we gave a whole spec to make demon hunters happen.

I always wanted to help the scourge, they were only offering immortality. So what if I get a little uglier? I’d be so rich in 200 years thanks to compounding interest.

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Have the Dh say that to a Death Knight. Watch how fast their mouth would be frozen shut XD

My answer to this is
First-imagine someone showing up to your house claiming to be from the future and they need to kill you to stop something happening.
-and if you are fine with that imagine someone doing the same thing, but it is your infant child they are after.

-Do unto others as you would have done onto you

We did kill Illidan. Twice, if you count his loss to Arthas at the end of Frozen Throne as the death that it was very clearly intended to be.

They’d just bring him back again.

That’s why I’m not saying we should kill him, but rather prevent him from ever being born.

Just give his mom a headache one day and BOOM! Illidan won’t even be able to resurrect since you need to exist first to be ressurected :smiley:

Hm. I do like the idea of giving night elves headaches.

I’ll get my cast-iron pans.

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