Dear Infinite Dragonflight

We would do better trying to convince Tyrande that she needs two husbands. Two husbands would have solved a lot of problems and there would be more kids :grin:

Nah, I would never advocate for anything that would make Illidan happy.

Dude created Demon Hunters…

Ironically if she married both of the Stormrage boys, she’d have still ended up alone for like 10,000 years.

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If it was still 2012 we could turn her into a “Bad Luck Tyrande” meme lol

This is the World of Warcraft forums. In here, it’s always 2012.

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If he would married to Tyrande he would not have had time to make DHs.

Third husband, a wife maybe…a little human potential ? I am feeling pretty bad for Tyrande.

Seems like we dodged a bullet, then, because if it was always 2011…

Well it’s not nonsense if that’s literally what happened.

Players who play Demon Hunters are often really hot headed people though.

Deja Vu moment

I feel like we talk about killing babies on this forum too much

It’s not literally what happened though.

Demon Hunters sacrificed nothing, besides maybe their eyes.

They ate a Demon’s soul. That’s not a sacrifice. You can only sacrifice what’s yours.

Then they gained the Demon’s power and the creepy ability to see through solid objects like walls and clothes. Still no sacrifice, just creepiness.

Then they trained how to fight with impractical weapons and stuff.

What did Demon Hunters sacrifice, exactly? They traded their eyes for better eyes, and lost nothing else while gaining an ungodly amount of power.

At worse, they sacrificed a bit of reputation, since nobody likes Demon Hunters.

You know who actually sacrificed everything?

Death Knights.

They died fighting for their people. Then they got up and started fighting for their people again while still dead.

Are you asking the Infinites following Eternus or Murozond? Because one side has already shown they will now protect the timeline along with the Bronze while the other is continuing to mess with it. We already had a Caverns of Time dungeon sort of dealing with Illidan in The Well of Eternity, but one where Illidan claims the Skull of Gul’dan could be a fun new addition. I just miss Caverns of Time dungeons… We need more!

Demon Hunters are social pariahs. At least, the Night Elven ones are. I think that’s the sacrifice? You don’t get invited to high tea at the moongrove, or whatever it is that passes for society when you lurk in a tree.

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They deserve it.

Uh, no. I’d go back to the dawn of time and prevent everything from existing. Can’t have a massacre if there’s nothing to massacre!

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You can’t do that.

If nothing existed, then you wouldn’t exist, then you wouldn’t be there to prevent everything from existing, then everything would exist.


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But he reminds us, “YOU ARE NOT PREPARED !!!”
How else would we know?

The training for Illidari is pretty sacrifice-y, I mean you have to tear out your eyes and have to succumb to an addiction on Fel Magic derived from demonic flesh.

That depends on what kind of time travel rules you subscribe to. Back to the Future time rules wouldn’t work and would end in an incredible time paradox. If we work on alternative timeline rules, however, I would be a visitor from another timeline removing a universe from the equation

I, however, subscribe to the Jeremy Bearimy timeline, which, simply put, means you guys all better hope you die and get to the safety of the afterlifes Jeremy Bearimy timeline before I do or you’re all non-existent!

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Even if you went back in time to change the past, it was all Part of the Jailer’s Plan.