Dear GhostCrawler

No matter who is in charge, they will get nothing but hate.
Once they leave the project, there will be BRING HIM/HER BACK posts.

That’s the nature of human. We like to have new experiences without changing a thing. We like to play perfectly balanced games but we never accept losing.


I miss ghostcrawler too. We were just spoiled and didn’t appreciate him enough, but I do recall a few threads dedicated to thanking GC and acknowledging how difficult it must be to get all that criticism.


Interesting phenomenon. Give the average WoW forum poster enough time and they get nostalgic about everything.


Well you’re not wrong I miss WOD


I miss WOD too.

I love Ion and I loved ghost crawler.


He still owes me a pony.


I doubt he misses you.

Players hate most employees while they’re employed then they miss them when they moved on. It’s always fun to watch stuff like this.

Idk, I still dont miss what Holinka did with ashran.

Some people hated him, but he also had a lot of fans. People love passing off how hated he was but he was also easily one of the most liked as well because of how much he interacted on class forums and what not(back when interaction was the norm).

People over exaggerate how much hate he got, because it helps fit the narrative of “its always the same” simply to defend blizzard and it is ALWAYS the same people too.

No, he wasnt.


Don’t forget Jeff before GC.

The funny part GC wasn’t the game director and Ion has only been game director since Legion. Prior to that Tom Chilton was the one at the top. Yet he avoided most of the hate.


It would have been his sole decision to not remove flight? So, who had the sole decision on the flight debacle and how do you know it was a sole person? How do you know any changes are the choice of a single person?

And you know this how ?

Ah yes. Greg “Bring the Player, not the class” Street. The man that:

  1. Proved that you could completely destroy class identity every expansion by overhauling them instead of building on them or fixing them properly.
  2. Ruin spec diversity by making the majority of them min/maxxed and based entirely on a specified rotation that you will never escape from.
  3. Designing literally everything around a constrained and uncreative gearscore system that made loot horrendously boring and nothing but a numbers game for about ten raid tiers.
  4. Create a favorite class that remains blatantly overpowered for half a decade because you like it more. (He even admitted to this one after leaving for Riot).
  5. Add completely superfluous garbage abilities from expansion to expansion, or even better, ripping iconic abilities from one class and shoving them onto another because it’s easier than actually balancing classes.
  6. Constantly make massive glaring and obvious mistakes at every level of design and then go on a random tirade about some philosophy that has virtually nothing to do with that design as justification.
  7. Destroy classes and turns them into confined and ill-conceived specs that lose more than they gain when you pick one because you don’t want to deal with balancing talent trees anymore.
  8. Believe exclusively in saying one thing to quell players, only to do exactly what everyone doesn’t want you and what everyone expected you to. (“TO THE GROUND BABY”)
  9. Balance everything around a completely arbitrary set of misguided “rules” that you yourself don’t even follow, by doing absolutely massive % damage changes that that not only caused FotM balancing, but outright FORCED it.
  10. Last but not least, leave the game as a burnt out soulless husk of what it once was, because all you cared about was numbers.

GC is the cancer that paved the way for the clowns we have today.


Can’t help it.
Posting impassionately, they say you don’t care.
Posting nothing, they say you ignore.
Posting with passion, you incite trolls.
Posting fluff, you say nonsense.
Post with what facts you have, they whittle down with rationale.
There is no win.
There is only slow degradation.
Take note. It is the first and only time you’ll see someone in my position make that position.
You can be me when I’m gone.


WoD is still hated? It was hated then, it’s hated now. Like… what?

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Can someone get Ron Pearlman to do a narration saying “The Forums, the forums never change.”

It’s a shame Blizzard had him executed. RIP in peace.

Yeah. He saw the writing on the wall in 2007. You can’t please everyone, no matter what.

Ion and Greg didn’t have the same job so there’s no comparing.

Tom Chilton was the Ion-equivalent and outside of BlizzCon and press, Chilton never said boo to the community. Ion at least puts his face out of his office.