Dear Fresh friends, how would you feel?

… If you woke up one day and saw Scarab Lords who didn’t have to farm 20.000 fragments or R14 ranks who had to spend much less time in your realms?

Because if you don’t say a word, this is going to happen.

i would make a thread on the forums and threaten to unsub

Actually, see you in Northrend

I’d feel fine. They were playing the game before I was. That’s totally cool with me. Sure, I may wish I had the same thing like Scarab Lord but, I wasn’t playing when it was a thing, or if I was, I didn’t do it. SOM is at it’s end, and those players should have a place to play.

I would feel indifferent. Those are legacy items whose prestige remains far in the past.

Great, so their destiny shall be the fresh realms?

Who cares?

First off, its just a mount, and a title. How does that affect my gameplay?


I couldnt care less. Do you really think any of that matters? What exactly does somone having that mount matter? They are not special players. They are no lifers that had a guild that they had handed to them.

I would love to have that mount. I couldnt care less about the stupid title. And ppl would probably think the same thing about me if i had that title as. I think about ppl that have it now…wow, look at this loser. Probably thinks ppl look up to them as some really good player and doesnt realize everyone thinks they are an unemployeed loser that has no life outside of playing a 15 yr old game that was developed for teenagers. Lol. And if they flagged it as S of M earned, it would double the loser identity.

Now again though, i would love to have the mount. The difference being that i dont care one bit what other players think.

Op probably freaks out about boosted players too.

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You’re wrong, but that is probably what you do

Scarab Lord was a guild collabing, guild backstabbing mess.

R14 was also some weird social clique in the discords.

Neat as they are, they are a glimmering turd when you wipe away the layers.

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In the end SoM is like seasonal characters in d3 or PoE and once the season is over they need to merge back into the normal player base.

Understanding in the future that SoM characters will be able to rejoin your main group on their server should actually encourage uptake in the content (as none of your time is lost/wasted).

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Not at all. I have many boosts. 5 from tbc. I havent used the 5 i can buy from wotlk cause i still on the fence about them removing RDF. I am thinking at some point after i level to 80 that i will get sick of knowing there is a better way of grouping that was taken away and quit. If i decide not to , then i will buy 5 more boosts.

Boosts dont bother me at all. I intentionally use the mount on all of my characters even though i prefer other mounts. I do it because i know there are players out there that are stuck in worrying about every other player and i know them seeing my cash shop mount annoys them. Its not that i want to annoy ppl. Just those ppl. They are freaks and ruining the game and i hope i can annoy them enough so they quit.

Weird. You’re the first to appoint to someone else with a very weird suggestion.

Of course you have.

Of course.

If they didn’t, why would you bring it up at all in a topic that has nothing to do with boosts?

Perhaps you’re indeed screaming in front of a mirror because of boosts.

Ok. If it makes you feel better. Do you want me to be mad at boosts? Ok. Omg i hate boosts. Blizz forced me to buy them and i cant stop usimg them. I hate myself now.

??? What is the point of wanting to label me as a boost hater? Does it change anything about me not caring if someome transfers from som? It doesnt. And im not the one that made the post about it. It obviously bothers the op though.

Imagine being that guy that looks at other players in game and loses sleep wondering if they got a title from classic or from som? Hmmm which one “earned” it.??? I think ill start a new thread and post about it.

You notice people’s titles? Meh, to each their own

who cares what other people have or haven’t done

I would be far more worried about the absurd amount of raw gold about to hit the economy since they earned immense raw gold in SoM

I am more annoyed by the booster kite mount and booster TBC mount, than I am about some scarab mount. At least you know itll be far and few inbetween that the mount is sort of rare and an not an eye sore.

Spoiler alert :rotating_light:

No one cares when you sit in org all day with your mounts and titles

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