Not only with good writing comes great responsibility… BUT good writing can create the perfect narrative of why Necromancer and Witch Doctor Class can be and will be important for the Forsaken… Its only right and perfect even…that Calia Menethil of Lordaeron is the new queen of the forsaken, and just as the previous Queen …One who will not be named… Calia faces the same dilemma… How can the forsaken Exist if they can not procreate?? its easy , when Calia went to Maldraxxus (Birth place of necromantic magic !!)she had a whole conversation with a Scourge Lord about necromancy!! Thus entering the New Queen and her devotion to her Undead Citizens PERFECT OPENING FOR THE NECROMANCER CLASS ! Also the Introduction for new undead customization ! like Calia Menethil, Derek Proudmoore, and nathanos custom style characters…
The Unwanted Pact between Queen Talanji and Bwonsamdi :
In the raid : Battle of Dazar’alor, … Not only is there a perfect Intro to the Witch Doctor Class but it gives a legit reason for a Priestess now Bound To Bwonsamdi… she can become a priest of of the afterlife communicating with her Dad as well as Using Bwonsamdi’s power… You can literally see 3 different specs of the class in the raid for christ sake!! they literally perform as i suggested as a class in my previous post!! who wouldn’t want Bwonsamdi at you side like king Rastakhan??
Devs Bottom line races and character customization are literally transmogs… same with classes from Melee,to range dps…just customize fighting classes with different & cooler animations… and more fun !! Necromancers: have the ability to turn into a Scourge Lord, can raise undead Nerubians or undead humanoids but the option to go out into the world and tame/bound some just like hunters (this includes banshees and witch npcs) also using small scarab beetles(ranged attack) for blight poisoning and curses while humanoid undead are more for melee and tanking( holding aggro like other pets)…Also !! the difference in this class is they can battle res with a 5 second cast time and can be interrupted ( for pvp ) and in raids and dungeons they will have 3 charges with a 5 min cooldown.So one spec would give buffs and battle res ( resurrection ability in mid fight)… We have enough healers so this class can be tanky and res based…with a minor self heal ability.
And as for a Voodoo witch doctor the main theme i suggest is having a Loa such as Bwsomedi, would be one of the options floating around keeping the player entertained with his jokes while you channel his abilities ( similar to the warlocks floating skull or a void lord but they don’t aggro nor fight just react with a casting animation when you call upon their powers or abilities) Also !! the difference in this class is they can battle res with a 5 second cast time and can be interrupted ( for pvp ) and in raids and dungeons they will have 3 charges with a 5 min cooldown.So one spec would give buffs and battle res ( resurrection ability in mid fight)… We have enough healers so this class can be tanky and res based…with a minor self heal ability.
What if you guys do a survey with actual players testing out classes and new races? i guarantee you will have positive feed back unlike the people that will come in here and attempt to tear down my idea and yet have any…My argument to them will always be…the fox races that no one asked for lol
which is why we need gnolls,tuskkars to make up for that… The more classes the more races…the merry…these are all transmogs at the end of the day…and obviously we love transmogs… I literally made a Death knight and named him Kaelthuzad…thats how bad im fiending for a Necromancer right now…Also Scourge Lords can create Death Knights therefore…Scourge lords are in a class of there own … so don’t come in here telling me…” they already have death knights for necromancers “ because…the argument can easily be why have warlock pets if we have hunters? its all transmogs and cosmetics at the end of the day folks… they’re just named “ classes”… so In conclusion My Dear Devs….” if you build them…more will come to play…”
Devs make an old mans dream come true…all i want is a gnoll necromancer and and a zandalari voodoo witch doctor *cough,cough
(get it because im old…that was a sympathy cough lol )
Create character ~> Undead ~> Customize ~> Next ~> Select starting zone ~> Finish
I think it would be weird if players played a class that creates one of the playable races. If a Necromancer was introduced into the game it would/should be limited to temporarily animating simpler beings like basic skeletons, ghouls, geists. Oh I’m describing an Unholy DK. Yeah maybe we ought to scrap the Necromancer idea then.
yeah i don’t think you read anything i said…i just mentioned more detail for undead because of most of the recent main characters in the game are far more detailed while we’re still stuck with basic undead designs that was revamed SECONDLY I ALSO MENTIONED ANYONE THAT TRY TO SAY DK’S are the necromancer…i said Scourge Lords ( necromancers created death knights) Also!! if thats your argument then why do locks have pets WHEN WE ALREADY HAVE HUNTERS!! why have unholy dk’s when we already have priest and warlocks?
Another good point against adding a Necromancer class. Functionally it would be awkward for a Necromancer to summon actual Forsaken and Death Knight players to groups. All of a sudden your 5 man dungeon would be a 6 man dungeon. Massively broken.
They don’t, they summon and enslave demons. Necromancers raise the dead, just like Unholy DK’s do.
Priests and Warlocks don’t raise the dead like Unholy DK’s do.
once again if you actually read anything … i also said every class in the game wether its melee or ranged its just different animations and skins… therefore a pet is a pet no matter if your character is whistling its still a summons… its the same thing…raising a pet that was killed is a summons… warlock can battles rez same thing
No they aren’t Necromancers, you’re right, Unholy DK’s just occupy the exact same space Necromancers would, with a significant overlap in theme and function
Love how everyone comes in to debunk the lore of the game and yet have no ideas of your own UNLESS YOU GUYS ARE ACTUALLY THE DEVS and if so then you know im correct about every class is practically the same thing eithers its melee or ranged ITS JUST DIFFERENT ANIMATIONS WITH COOL SKINS …and if any of you read my idea for Necro you would keep mentioning Dk’s because i cleary said their pets would mainly be nerubians and blight damage… IF YOU DIDN’T READ IT …DON’T COMMENT
Personally I think Witch Doctors could be a really cool mix of poison/death magic meets Shaman, and it could be a good way to let the players play around with the Drust. It’s at least less covered than right now than Necromancer is. Adding a Necromancer would be turning an Unholy DK into a caster and that’s the only difference.
We could def use more playable races ADD OGRES NOW, but adding new classes isn’t so easy.
Carving out new metas in a game thats so deeply solved like WoW is very difficult to do in a balanced and fun way.
In my estimation, blizzard has about a 50% success rate with new classes. DH and DK worked, monk and evokers not so much. Even the successful adds took quite a while to balance out.
any reason other than RP? half the DPS spec currently don’t have a unique niche and see little to no play because of that. there’s no reason to add more.
RP is the biggest reason most classes are added. Adding a class only to fill a specific gameplay niche is crazy. I can’t think of how any classes added since vanilla have done that.
These guys weren’t brought in to fill a niche, they were brought in because of the RP, and then designed to have abilities that other classes didn’t have, same as would happen with any new class.