The LORE FOLKS … you’re debating the lore… so if we’re being that narrow about adding more classes and character customization due to the LORE and new designs of characters in the game so players could have more fun playing around with more options… then why not stick to one character and one class? because you guys like options as well… there will always be nerf and buffs… thats the name of the game and we’ll still be playing… ALL IM SUGGESTING IS MORE OF AN OPEN WORLD EXPERIENCE ACCORDING TO THE LORE AND OPTION FOR US PLAYERS… WHATS THE HARM IN THAT???
ok, so you cant make the difference between RP and new gameplay mechanic.
oh well. not sure what I expected from the 20’000th necromancer thread.
Yo know im right lol
I can “make the difference”, you’re just wrong about the reason those classes were brought to the game
come dude…you mean to tell me if they make a necromancer class …you’re going to be upset and not even give it a try?? or literally be a witch doctor or witch and have bwonsamdi rolling along with you cracking jokes when you die…come on dude you’ll love it lol …admit it
No, you arent. No where close.
Why would someone give it a try? Its bringing nothing new to the table.
How is it not bring something new when you can turn into a Scourge Lord and have undead Nerubians and blighted beetles at your command… and instead of a healing class you get 3 charges of group battle res and one with a casting time and to be not so OP it can be interrupted…
So a demo warlock with group brez?
Anyways, if you believe every class plays the same, that means you have to believe its not bringing anything new.
Unholy DK*
Warlocks summon and enslave demons, they don’t raise the dead
i would care about them as much as I care about devastation evoker, or feral druid, or surv hunter, or whichever of the 3 mage spec isn’t strong this tier.
prove it.
make something unique and interesting about those classes that aren’t purely RP.
every class is practically the same thing eithers its melee or ranged ITS JUST DIFFERENT ANIMATIONS WITH COOL SKINS … I mean if you wanna be technical about the entire game we’re doing the same base thing every expansion… with a new look… but we’re fine with all that…why?? because its another option and with more options you actually don’t get bored… and all im really trying to initiate …is make new classes, im sure they can think of something different…im just trying to throw out ideas …and it seem to me…im the only one out of this fun bunch thats trying … because im passionate about this game still
If you aren’t even going to play the game, to the extent you think this is true, I suggest taking your crusade to a phone game like Warcraft Rumble, which has the lack of depth you so obviously crave.
Repeating this does not make it true.
Just not informed.
idk what you read but it wasn’t what i wrote
They issue with new classes is really simple. They can not even come close to keeping the existing ones working correctly or balanced. Adding more to their plate would just make that failing process even less likely. Until they can correctly manage the classes they have on their plates, adding more would just be a bad idea.
they’re going to continue to nerf and buff and near the end they’ll be balanced and no ones ever going to be satisfied but yet continue to play… so as i mentioned before its more options and entertainment… If they literally say you know what lets not make anymore of anything and just focus on satisfying everyone one…then everyone gonna have something else to complain about… this is the world my friend…no one is ever satisfied my fellow Azerothian …not only that more classes would keep the crowd busy with more stuff to complain about even if that was the case… WE’RE TOO INVESTED
I would love a Witch Doctor class that could summon hordes of poisonous frogs, swarms of locusts, use snakes, zombies, and spirits to attack enemies, and unleash poison gas from a cauldron. It could also call on the power of different Loa. Examples of Loa I want to see include Bwonsamdi, Shadra, Hakkar the Soulflayer, Hethiss, Hir’eek, and Krag’wa. I also want the Witch Doctor to be able to cast Big Bad Voodoo from Warcraft 3.