Day 1: New class will be a great addition since it’s sympatico with lore
Day 2: We need gnome Paladins first
Day 3: Blizzard can’t balance a class anyway
I admit, it’s compelling as a story. Then I realize this is WoW - maybe put it in a Season of Discovery because retail can’t handle the churn.
Except all the loa spirits are in ardenweld so you got that wrong.
The loa are still tied to natural magic. Bwamsamdi is of death sure death as it should be. Not necromancy is the perversion of death in Undeath like Galacron and the jailer.
But aye Maldraxxis also has undeath.
Cant we all just pretend SL was a fever dream from too much Voodoo and old god magic and not a real expansion…
Airc. Everyone knows Holy and Undeath do not mix. The Princess never died. She could use some sunlight though!
Look. If you have accident prone royals, you make them wear plate-armor. If you have death-prone royals, you keep a few Soulstones on the Frozen Throne! Ah, speak of the devil! Her half resurrected ears must be burning! Airc, can you put her back in for a little longer?
The Drust initially were tied to the Emerald Nightmare, though I think the implication is they are now tied to Ardenweald (especially since De Other Side is found within its boundaries)
Maldraxxus is the source of both the Frostmourne and the Lich King - hence the similar architecture. Primus forged both the helm and sword, and Alexandros Mograine is a high-ranking member of The Undying Army.
According to Margrave Sin’dane, necromancy is just the art of animating unliving flesh, which is mainly performed through the magic of Death, but can also be empowered by the magic of any cosmic forces. Raised by the naaru Saa’ra, Calia Menethil is an example of someone brought back to undeath through the Light.
Yes priory does have undead holy creatures raised by holy (also arcane mixed)and flame. Just wanna tell you guys that shadowlands lore is probably still canon. They are still vaguely mentioning the “first ones” which in turn means shadowlands was kinda canon.