I was doing a lil knowledge searching while chillin’ in the halls of the Karazhan Library… and i came across something interesting…
Under the rule of the Primus, creator of the arts of necromancy, Maldraxxus is home to the Maldraxxi necromancers
Necromancy comes from the void (Shadow magic) …which is Also the source of Drustvar **Witchcraft ** and that source comes from The Drust King called Gorak Tul including the practices of Witchdoctors SPECIFICALLY who are worshippers of The Loa Bwonsamdi
Since Xal’atath appearance, and the next expansion is ** Midnight** i think this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce these classes because of their connection with the void (Shadow magic)… ** Necromancer ** controlling the undead army of the Nerubians so therefore they will specialize undead Spider Lord Nerubians as well as the behemoths ( a reasonable pet size of course) and small critter sizes beetles borrow above ground plaguing an enemy with blight !! and the cool part is you can turn into a Scourge lord!!
As for the Witch The specs will be Heartsbane Coven and Witchdoctor
The main feature and cool part about both specs is… complete a chain quest for Heartsbane Coven in the BFA expansion and re-enter a solo dungeon to obtain the spirit of Lady Waycrest to be your personal spirit guide … Just like the warlocks skull in Legion …She’ll float around for the cool appearance and share of random tales of her secret life as a witch…Also !! you will have the ability to become possessed by Lady Waycrest ( fully taking on her appearance and summon Her one True Love and Tank …Lord Waycrest !! Heartsbane Coven specialize in plagues and curse magic
The same with Witchdoctor revisit the Shadowlands expansion to complete a chain quest and re-enter De Other Side to Obtain the spirit of Bwonsamdi as your spirit guide and Personal Loa ( same as the Warlock Skull in Legion …really just floating and hanging around) Bwonsamdi will share random stories of a location you’re questing in or crack a joke when you die and res or just laughs… if you die too many times then you get a speech bubble with “. . .”
Witchdoctor specialize in hexes like puppetry making a player or npc dance as a ‘Crowd Control’ and raise troll spirits to attack as ranged attacks and some cool visual shadow magic attacks…
One more thing i wanted to point out …while Necromancers use shadow magic
death knights rely on Rune magic ,its not the same so don’t dare comment " we have death knights" because Death knights don’t control undead Nerubians nor turn into Scourge Lords!!
Interesting, but everything written, and every event that occured in Garbagelands - especially the relegating Death Knights as bottom feeders - is fake. It was all horribly bad fan fiction, and none of it is true, especially the necromancy stuff.
I would like the witch class myself. Hoping that survey we get multiple classes. Witch being one of them like the final fantasy jobs had a few for their expansion.
Lemme stop you right there. Necromancy is its own force in the cosmology. For convenience, it may sometimes deal Shadow-type damage, but it’s not powered by the Void.
“Please steal the Witch Doctor class from Diablo.”
Witch Doctors and the Heartsbane Coven use wildly different styles of magic, despite being “witches”.
Witch Doctors are a pretty unique style of Troll magic. The closest analogy would be Shamanism, but instead of relying on the elements, they get their power from the Loa. But even then it’s still different and can do different things.
It’s basically troll exclusive because only Trolls can truly comprehend it, everyone else who tries to imitate it gets something different with overlaps in voodoo, like being able to hex or curse people, or being able to commune with wild gods/spirits instead of Loa.
But the Heartsbane Coven? We know what magic they use. They use Drustvar magic, which is basically the dark side of Druidism. Instead of life and growth, focuses on death and rot.
Not sure what you mean by this. Most loa are wild gods, with a few exceptions like Bwonsamdi and, technically, Elune. It’s just that they aren’t called loa when someone other than a troll worships them.
What are the Shadowlands? Are those the shadows of the land we walk on?
Or do you mean that time I had a wild fever dream due to N’zoth?
Yeah that was wild. Almost as wild as when I did shrooms in Hallowfall and went on a quest with an Elekk. Arbiter? Jailer? Nope. Never heard of em. Sylvanas died screaming in rage that the Horde was nothing as several Orcs smashed her head in with a rock and then several thirsty Forsaken desecrated her remains.
I never understood why there’s so much arguing about Necromancers
like, it’s a core, staple class of RPG’s and has been for a long time. What’s the problem here?
Oh DK’s exist therefore we shouldn’t get necro’s? Please, we have holy priest and holy paladin, we have warrior and outlaw rogues, we have shaman and frost/fire Mages, etc.
There’s plenty of overlap, pretty weird that this is where people draw the line.
Like you said, there are exceptions. Loa are very similar to wild-gods, but they’re their own separate thing which can grant power in a way that wild gods can’t, or at least usually don’t, nearly as frequently as loas grant Trolls power.
A new class would be cool to me particularly a ranged one. But whatever happens whenever a new class comes out for the love of God and all that is holy I hope it’s not bound to a specific single race.
Oh man, Shadowlands… Remember when they had Margrave Sin’dane say, basically, “Necromancy is just a ritual empowered by magic. It can be any type of magic, LOL!”?
Majority of this post seems like a great concept. Particularly with Necromancer really hoping we get them in the last titan, and a wish, spell breaker or warden in midnight. After all they are doing this large over arching story with 3 expansions, maybe we get a class in midnight and the last titan as features? Would be great. Might be wishful thinking though
I started reading this, and all I could picture in my mind was a young Tom Riddle asking his professor about a particular piece of magic he’d stumbled acrossed in the library.