Dear Blizzard, why healers aren't queueing

I just find it funny you think there is a problem when there isn’t. Like if people don’t want to heal because they don’t like healing don’t make healing easy mode just because…

I see so many healers play like absolute potato trash and these are the people you want to cater to. Like I’ll burn gate and port on an opener completely avoiding it, then rather have a priest grip me when melee reconnects they just sit there staring at me instead of gripping which would give us offensive pressure out the wazoo.

Nah man, gotta make it easier for that guy that can’t hit that button…

and were back to square one. Like I dont know how to explain it to you any more clear or further…

Healers arent queing solo… Que Times become horrendous… Pretty sure noone wants to play wait in que for 1 hour…

You dont have this problem as you said so you absolutely dont empathize which whatever, but then whats even the point of posting if someones got an issue and all you are going to say is “well Im fine, go get guud no issues up at the top”

we get it you are good at wow pvp, /clapping excitedly for you

Yeah lmao I leveled my destro at Cobalt Assembly, bought crafted gear, did 2-3 BGs to get high enough ilvl for shuffle, and was 2k in a few games. I barely even knew what I was doing.

People should really examine their own gameplay before making threads like this.

Eh… Both can be true.

Jellybeans can hit 3k in blues… AND gear is still an issue.

Otherwise, you might as well argue there’s nothing ever wrong with balance or gear because there’s always a r1 you can point to who’s at 3k.

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I really do think there’s a heavy psychological component. People could be within 0.5% of each other and there’ll always be the “oh well they have two sockets”.

Unless Bubblebuddyy was just trying to make me feel better…

Fair, but if you’re already nitpicking I have to zoom in on 30 being larger than 25

Tier is the only way in which it is

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Auto attack difference between honor and conquest should be around 13% for the 13ilvl increase. As you say, it should be a good indicator of dps difference since everything scales off attack power, but the 30% seems like an exaggeration. Are you comparing the same spec?

Also the problem you describe shouldn’t bias your MMR/rating, it’s only going to be noise that disappears over the course of enough games. The fact you’re a healer means it’s very easy for you to play enough games to reach your true MMR.


What’s worse is if the really good dps randomly loses 1 round or the really bad dps randomly wins 1 round.

Then, it’s 2-4.


Pray you’re not the squishiest DPS in that lobby. Otherwise, you’ll probably lose most/all of your rounds. They don’t balance PvP around 2v2s or 3v3s with no healers.


If players are equally skilled, the one with 30% more player power will win 100% of the time.

Don’t forget all the specs/classes like warlocks that got buffed even more with the trinket health additions. The dest lock double fast bolt bug still not fixed, etc. I wouldn’t want to queue such a buggy unbalanced game either. Took them months apparently to notice some abilities were improperly stacking, and some were going through ALL damage reductions including vers.

That’s a load bearing if

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Ones in which you can group together, sell each other things, and do content together, yeah.

Do you not understand what an MMO is?

Healing is harder now. Im a duelist xp hpally and i fkin sukkkkkkkkk neow yea boiii

at this point I just want to play, whether or not balanced.

Did the 2v2 all dps and even with squishy still managed to have fun as long as I could keep getting back in


Im sorry let me clarify, still like not grinding my teeth for conquest currency, can still get it way faster with losses included granted timely ques then you can constantly trolling skirms, but thanks for trying

It might be a bit unfair for the squishy specs that need a healer to be competitive.

Squishy DPS would probably fall down the RSS ladder while tanky DPS go up.

alright in that respect for those that want to climb that ladder I can see the gripe. I suppose again were back at incentivizing healers somehow to alleviate the wait times.

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Elite xmogs and mounts for 250 games won as a healer.


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