Dear Blizzard: The Void will never have the same appeal as the Scourge

Void Nerubians are not the superior, undead Nerubians, will never be as cool as them, and are as awful as recasting Anub’araks VA away from Steve Blum.

Scourge > Maldraxxus > Void


There are things far worse than the Scourge out there. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!


They have been empowered by mommy Xal’atath, I’m jealous, and will be unless they become playable, which I doubt they will.


I’d rather have Heigan back.


Holding out hope for this to be honest. I’d love to play one. Way more than the earthen.


edit: Noticed something dumb, taking what I said away. :robot::sweat_drops:

Who? … Oh, him. I never raided in WotLK, so I can’t really share the sentiment.

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Might want to edit your title; Welcome! Please read–:

Void isn’t as stinky as undeath though. So that’s a win for me.


I wouldn’t have complained if it was just scourge > Void.

I can’t believe you would put anything from shadowlands over void.

Yogg Saron would like to know your location


Yes, we get it. People loved the Legion and the Scourge because of Warcraft III. We all played that game. We all loved it. That story is over. After Wrath, most of those threads were tied off, and nearly every random scrap that was left was dusted off for the Legion Class Halls. That well does not have endless water. I was maybe one of the few who loved what they did with Arthas in Shadowlands. No redemption, not even worthy of a flashy cameo. Just a wisp fading into nothing. The Scourge is done as a story. Move on.


I think the void can be pretty good if they lean on on the Lovecraftian cosmic horror vibe like they did with the no’zoth questline during BFA.


My issue with Blizzard’s use of the void is, they’re just not all that creative with it. It seems like a brick wall they can’t get around or climb over. Every time the void is a threat its just… stuff we’ve seen with other greater threats since day one.

“Look! The Void is corrupting people into void abominations!”
“Yeah, the Legion has been turning people into demons for a while, and the Scourge literally exists off of that. Got anything else?”

“The Void is making people lose their minds and become thralls to the will of the Old Gods/Void Lords!”
“Okay, but… again… Scourge and the Lich King did it.”

“Uhm… Naaru, but all dark and Voidy?”
“So, the Naaru, beings of the Light, except now they’re void because you couldn’t just make something else for the void?”

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I will never apologize for liking the only good thing about Shadowlands, which IS Maldraxxus.


They ruined void lore by reducing it’s impact seen with void elves. If the void has such a weak effect, then by merit they will be seen as less a threat.

You cannot escape undeath by being strong, or being controlled in undeath, but you can escape and control void curruption. Which is sad because i used to love hating the void as a villain.


Exactly. Theres a finality with the Scourge. You literally only have two ways forward on death, serving the Scourge or dying permanently. There’s no going back.


rubbing Tiger Balm under my nose Yeah, he’s cool!

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And the Scourge will never match with The Burning Legion.

Like what’s your point lol, every group will have their own hierarchy, whether intentional or not.

I dunno. I feel the legion while an threat, is not as idomitable then the scourge. The threat of the scourge is they get stronger as the fight prolongs, the legion you don’t feel that.

Yeah they can come back, but they do get weaker. With the scourge they just don’t get weaker, they get stronger, forcing us to make a more surgical attack to go after it’s heart, and even then, they still remained a threat.

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The Scourge didn’t give us a Knaifu Waifu.

Void wins.


No, but it did gave ppl sylvannis…

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