And people who do not complain about it or not spend money/gold on the crap do not understand that this all began as the decline in subs really headed south. If they worked on providing actual good content and systems there would be no need for a cash shop as the subs would rise. The cash shop is there only for ActiBlizz’s bottom line and shareholders.
It’s weird that you want to pay again for something you pay for monthly. The monthly sub pays for the continued development of the game. These cash shop items are part of what they develop, are they not? And why would you not want these items to be obtainable in game via a quest, or achievement or something like that? I know I stupidly supported it in the past. But the cash shop existing is why Heart of the Aspects wasn’t the achievement reward instead of the third recolor of the mounts DW drops.
I’ve stopped supporting the bad behavior. If you like being taken advantage of, then you do you.
Probably it should be obtainable in game. It’s funny how people like you shame people who complain about things you don’t agree with, but if it’s something you do agree with then it’s fine, right?
90% of retail content is collecting aesthetics. Charging extra money for “the good ones” is petty.
It’s because we need to stop praising and rewarding blizzard for this scummy behavior. Just make them obtainable in game via an epic quest reward or something. We pay them monthly for the continued development of the game. And then we pay them again to give us these items. That they developed. Which we already paid them to do.
Or these was developed separately and the alternative is they simply don’t exist. You sound entitled, just because you pay a sub doesn’t give you the right to anything. The fact of the matter is your subscription only gives you service to the game. Any extras is up to them.
Xmogs, mounts and pets are 100% fine in a game shop. I see no problem with it.
I don’t have a problem with cash shop cosmetics or cash shop mounts, as long as those within the game itself are equally as good if not better, but to suggest that Blizzard needs these things to thrive is just silly. They make money hand over fist without them. Let’s not pretend that cash shop items are anything other than the icing on the cake.