Dear Blizzard, just make this change already and save your game

Delete realms as a thing. They are utterly useless and cause a lot more issues than they are worth. Just have a RP, PvP, and PvE choice. That is all we need… and I don’t want to hear anything about “Mah community”. Community hasn’t been a damn thing since other methods of organization came into existence. Your community exists on discord not in the game.


Go back to retail. :clown_face:


I don’t play retail. In fact, this character doesn’t even exist anymore.

We have a great community on Grobbulus on both Horde and Alliance side. Even Mankrik has a really great community. Just because all you people keep mass transferring to the “mega-servers” like benediction, whitemane, faerlina, etc. doesn’t mean community doesnt exist on proper servers.

If you want actual super servers and layering, go play retail and leave our game alone. We want classic not shadowlands.


Community in discord is an extension from within the game. If you dont have one in game, you don’t have one in discord.


No, no Classic should be run just like Retail, because WoW becoming a lobby game of strangers worked out so well the first time.

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Agreed. Realms are an outdated design that classic andys defend because “community” when in reality the end results are always the same: mono faction megaservers.


I agree but RP servers should be left alone… they are their own little world.

And dont worry about Aedd, his guild forced him to pay $25 to join the mega server so he could sit on the forums and tell you how server community matters lol

Doesn’t Grobbulus already have layering?

You could have just posted in the other thread about the exact same thing.

Its MY guild and we got free xfers a while back. Living rent free in your head apparently, just cant stop talking about me.

It does
Like a lot.

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You do know that Grobbulus is the RP mega realm right?

That is not true at all.

I have not seen such a thing. Then again I didn’t look.

If it did, realms wouldn’t die. If it did, people wouldn’t constantly be begging for free transfers. If it did, faction balance would be more then a joke.

The only thing that matters is your guild nothing more and nothing less.

it is time

Go back where? My realm? It is dead. There are 2 items on the AH.

I mean… it did when we had 30 healthy servers… now we have 5. Everyone is a random. Dont kid yourself.

There is people out there who cant play on megaserver due to server ques. Shockingly for some with the decision you are making here of having only 1 of each you force a lot of people to give up playing the game as a whole. So yes “dead” or smaller realms still have reason to exist.

I haven’t experienced a queue on Benediction yet.

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Wait for wrath launch.

The queue might be bad for a few days, and mild for a week or 2 after. I’m sure we’ll hear about it a lot here on the forums. After the 3rd week, folks will be raid-logging and whining about not having anything to do.