Dear Blizz, why did you kill Outlaw PvP?

I got back into BFA when it first came out, and went rogue. Loved outlaw because Roll the Bones gave you different rotations that you had to pay attention to, and loved the deadshot azerite trait mechanic, really engaging. Then you just gutted the spec with the PvP nerfs, and outlaw hasnt been relevant since. How come ? Why not tweak it a bit when 90% of rogues in PvP are assassin and 9% sub and 1% outlaw? You dont see an issue with that?


Is outlaw thar bad to the point its unplayable in pvp?

They’re playable in bg’s and non competitive but after the nerfs they just don’t have anything to offer this meta. They have a pretty low ceiling at the moment.

BtE, Dead Shot, and Dispatch are all heavily nerfed in PvP. Because of this Outlaw has some moderate consistent DPS with a good amount of control. Would play well in rot meta but not now.

Reducing the nerf on Dead Shot OR BtE would at least give Outlaw some burst to play around.


Hoping they turn things around in Shadowland.

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Same here but I’m pretty worried. They haven’t mentioned many class changes but Outlaw actually relies heavily on their artifact traits for both PvP and PvE. No more Deadshot, Ace, or Wits may leave us in an awkward position with poor burst and poor aoe in comparison to others who do not rely on their traits as much. Time will tell.

I want outlaw to have access to a mortal strike effect, a slow, and an execute. don’t even give a flying about poisons, unless that is the only way I get a slow and mortal strike effect.
a bleed would be ok only to keep stealthies visible, but not really important.
consistent damage , burst potential, an execute, and a healing reduction.

Conveniently poisons do have a mortal strike effect and a slow! Pistol shot has a slow component too though so the slow is already there.

I play some outlaw today. Triple deadshot azerite traits, i got a stun, and had some buffs going, hit a feral(leather) druid in caster form for a 20k crit WOW! There’s just no recipe for success.

Damage in PvP needs to be bumped up and we need a mortal strike effect from Sin Strike, its kind of a joke to not have it.


I hopped back on two days ago and played some BG’s. I was hitting 40-45k gun crits on people with more hp/better gear then me.

I stopped playing when Classic came out and have only played Retail a handful of times since then, but I distinctly remember only hitting around 30k crits before Classic (with the same gear and stats that I have now).

I think the main thing you really need is Vera (15+) > Crit > Haste.

When I got high versatility Outlaw PvP completely changed for me. I have a lot of fun in battlegrounds with this current setup and prefer it over the other specs.

I have given up on Outlaw for arenas until Shadowlands so I will just stick with this winning combo for bg’s till then.


Back Cetzer 100% here. Once I hit 20% Verse and 25ish% crit, OL felt like it was hitting much harder. Even a SS crit can be around 12k. OH hits and weapon procs with the verse and crit will just randomly chunk people as well. It’s an absolutely blast in BG’s, and when played well almost impossible to 1v1 and even 1v2 is sketch if you’re the wrong class (Mmmmm spriests.)

But also as Cetzer pointed out, it does not have the burst or toolkit for the current meta in arena’s. It can do okay as double dps in 2’s if you’re not looking to climb, but climbing in 3’s as OL blows. Hell, most of it simply because the player base is so small that you’ll never find two other guys willing to work with OL.

Whaazz does gladiator carries all the time on outlaw. So the ceiling is in you man

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“One of the best, if not best, WoW rogues of all time with his equally skilled world champ friends can make this work, sometimes, against specific comps, so clearly it’s a LTP issue.”


Yeah but he has to work literally 5x harder to win the match half the time. Still, go’s to show anything is possible.


It would probably do pretty good in a rot comp. If something like Aff lock was good meta, you can cleave things down with them, while having a lot of CC going out.

Sin rogue is just much easier and more results in PvP unfortunately right now.

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Sub and Outlaw are heavily gear reliant because they are crippled by current game design.

BlockquoteOne of the best, if not best, WoW rogues of all time with his equally skilled world champ friends can make this work, sometimes, against specific comps, so clearly it’s a LTP issue.”

lol if i could give this 100k hearts i would

Agree completely. I don’t think it would outperform sin in a rot comp, but it would definitely do better. As Outlaw I can easily “out damage” any sin rogue over a 5 minute match. But that damage is useless since it can be healed back in an instant cast or be simply ignored because of a trinket CD. It really would be a completely different story if they just reversed their nerfs to Deadshot OR Between the eyes. I’m critting for 150k+ with Pistol shot in PvE and barely ever pass 40k in PvP. If we could drop a 75k pistol shot in after every stun, or drop a 75k stun on a moment notice, it would be a different story. But, this meta really only favorites a select few specs regardless of your class. Really miss our small 2-5% tweaks from legion.

You’re acting like it’s hard to play rogue at the moment

You don’t even need a shadow step kick macro for OL. Ezzzz up there bud

Rogue/spriest/pal is amazing atm

Outlaw? or Sin. Sin/X/Pal is amazing lol.