Dear Blizz, why did you kill Outlaw PvP?

Builders and white hits don’t deal much damage in BFA PvP compared to finishers.
Outlaw is a spec that gets a lot of it’s damage from builders and white hits as a percentage of it’s total damage.

Blizzard would have the rethink their entire arena mentality to make outlaw work in the current meta.

I feel like they need bleeds. :man_shrugging:

I think instead of bleeds we need to strip armor and apply a healing debuff.

Another major issues Outlaw is having is the lack of subterfuge and anything besides cheap shot. Often times my arena wins come from a well timed vanish + silence. Cheap Shot messes up our Between the Eyes, so i think our ambush needs to be replaced with something more useful. I know its not a stealth spec, but we still need something.

I feel like dispatch is the prime candidate to give an armor decreasing debuff for pvp, 5% less armor for every dispatch or something along those lines.

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They will never buff Outlaw as long as it has a ranged stun.

That’s what worries me about Outlaw in Shadowlands. They might think the ranged stun + Wound Poison would be OP so they might not give it to them along with the other poisons.

Healers being so effective is a huge PvP problem for any class without healing reduction and not even the ranged stun and a wealth of CC protects Outlaw from that.