Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera

Vrykuls are not all men thank you very much .

WOW will be fully immersive VR and can you imagine what Goldshire would be like then?..((shivers))

Yeah how else do you get…

….the polar bear mount?

I try, but my mind blocks it for safety purposes!

Two Words: So what?

Let people do what they want, don’t them them ruin your enjoyment of things.

The Joke characters will fade away - they already are. I’ve done a bunch of dungeons and only seen 1 or 2 “cringey” vulpera.

FIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!! Curses and Spite live in each Gnome. This truth can’t be ignored. The only way to deal with a Gnome is to throw them all overboard!!!

The Horde motorcycle is only for those who were present for it.
The Alliance motorcycle is obtainable to this day. So…good stuff.

But the alliance can use them.

A completely uniquely modeled mount completely usable only by the alliance.

Un-nerf EMFH.

It was nerfed because Horde cried it was OP, and so blizz kowtowed to noobs.

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Two Words: lol wut?

Jeez man, to hell with the Valley of Honor how have you reached 120 without ever entering a major city?
Joke characters don’t fade away because they’re played by selfish a-holes and Blizzard doesn’t bother to enforce the rules.
They’re sure as hell not paying for a name change or deleting a 120. Ex: “baywatchhoof” has been around for months and “fishwheels” has been around for at least a couple years. I can practically guarantee “garbarerodent” is here to stay.
You KNOW this, man, because you KNOW who I’m talking about despite fudging their names.

For some reason and I do not know why, but if this happens i will ignore all flaws this game has for the next 6 years and die hard every class and a Vrykul. Something about their build makes them just look Bad***! :smiley:

I expected Alliance to get the Sneks. sad that they didn’t.


Remove mecha gnomes (hell, and regular gnomes) and illl consider everything square. They dont even need to re add anything. Just take those hideous monsters and toss em in a barrel.

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Make pants hide-able and allow mechagnomes to wear pants, boots, shirts, and gloves normally. If we want the mechanical diaper look, we can hide the pants.

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What would make up for it, Blizz giving the Alliance a race they actually ask for without putting their own spin on it, plain and simple. If we ask for it, we want it as is, no reason to put a spin on it, other than to not give Alliance something they really want.

Saberon would be awesome, but I feel like Blizz would feel like that is too good for the Alliance, Half-elves would be another good one, but I don’t see that happening either.

Will add, outside of allied races, with the upcoming customization options that are supposedly coming in SL, would like to see Dwarves get a frostborn skin option.


They don’t need to make up for anything, there is no favoritism. The imagined favoritism that exists in players minds is just that a fabrication of the minds of a few players/trolls.

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+10000x this


night fae paladins. sethrak paladins. mogu paladins. saberon paladins. please just add a really nice looking paladin race lol

Vulpera being “good” is highly subjective.

They are a stupid gimmicky race that real horde got unfortunately stuck with.

If we have vrykul…I will be forever done…and locked in.