Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera

I just think all the complaining about “Horde Favoritsm” is hilarious. I have a geared Alli and Horde toon, and while the pros and cons are different on each side, it really is not clear to me that there is “Horde Favortism.”

Most Alli players seem to completely disregard anything that doesn’t feed their idea of an argument because it’s not something like like or think of as cool, lol.

If it helps, I volunteer to take playable Quilboar for the Horde, so that the Alliance are sure to appreciate their next AR more.

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I definitely wouldn’t mind something different. I just hope that whatever allied race Alliance gets next isn’t blocked behind dungeons like Kul Turan and Mechagnomes. Just let it be a solo grind.

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Pretty much this. The mechagnome looks like a gnome in plate armor. They should have just been an expanded customization for gnome creation with the island as the unlock similar to unlocking the black eyes for n elves.

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I am not sure I agree with overall favoratism or anything along those lines, but the Horde AR’s have just seemed better for whatever reason. I don’t play Horde toons much, but I also play only one AR because all I would play are horde side.

Blizzard would make so much bank if they gave Alliance High Elves already.

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Beyond Cosmetics mechgnomes are superior to vulpera as far as racials.

If we must have snakes, let the Horde have the ugly ones, Alliance can have Sethrak.

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I want naga because i like their lore, but if they become playable they should have a elf form.

Sexy cat people would without a doubt be the big money maker for Blizz, and what’s not to like about sexy cat people? (so long as they aren’t creepy sexy “Cats” cat people)

I’m just angry about the missed pun opportunity for “fa-fur-itism”

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They literally stood aside and let sylvanis do what she did. Most the horde supported her in the war until the rebellion and they even made a point during the cutscene at the camp to say there were not nearly as many rebels as Anduin / Saurfang would’ve liked. Most the horde was on board with what sylvanis did so if she’s evil so is most the horde.

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We’re not at war. We’re best friends! Until next expansion, then we war… until the next big earth-shattering ugly. Then we’ll be besties again!

Assuming no retcon:

  1. Actual High Elves. Yes, I know, I know. But we have Vereesa and there is nothing that stops Blizzard from collecting the remnants of the OG High Elves in diaspora and having them join Alleria and their Void Elf kin, especially since, IIRC, there was a High Elf IN DARNASSUS who was likely killed. Since Allied Races are supposed to be smaller subsets, this would have worked.

  2. Firbolg. Would have been a Blizzard first to have both male and female look the same. Not only were the Firbolg invited to live on Teldrassil originally and were thus murdered along with the Night Elves, they were also savaged by the Horde in Darkshore. This would have given the Alliance another beast race and one which has ties to one of the races directly impacted by the story.

Acknowledging “out of the Blue”

  1. Dark Trolls. Hearkening back to the RTS, having the Night Elf “progenitor” race show up and align with their kin would a) bring trolls into the alliance as well as open up some more lore on the Night Elves.

  2. Satyrs. building off the Night Elf genocide, having a tribe of Satyrs, who are now outside of the control of the Burning Legion, reach out to their kin. This would bring a darker element to the Alliance and would be interesting to explore how this enemy of my enemy thing would work out.

Acknowledging Sylvanas’ atrocities:

  1. A Tauren and/or Forsaken subset essentially peacing out and joining the Alliance - Calia would have been a perfect venue for this. I don’t have a Tauren analog, but I think their connections to the Night Elves through Druidism and their shamanistic inclinations towards preserving life and the world would be a basis for some degree of defection.
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Damn, that’d be very neat. Muscular, dark trolls from Hyjal.

Fake Gnomes.

I’ve played a Gnome for nearly 15 years, and I have no interest in leveling a fake Gnome.

Yes they do!

want him back unbrainwashed too please.

Maybe polish his horns as well.

which honestly the way they are being implemented should be seen as an insult. WIldhammer have a different culture to the other 2 dwarf clans. On top of that they could have different class selection. Remove paladins, mages, and warlocks but in return give them druids.

IMO frostborn are the only dwarves that should be lumped in as customization to base dwarves.

Even earthen/iron dwarves should come as another AR down the line.

I don’t care that people don’t like “recolors” of races. There is no reason all these variations can’t get the treatment they deserve with the allied race system. They just need to be properly spaced out along with making sense for the story at the time of introduction.

Honestly the only thing now that MIGHT fix the factions (other then allowing cross faction play) is by giving Alliance Saboran.
They share the same modle as Worgen and have been pretty highly requested.
Snake people are an option as well but I can see WAY more people rolling a cat person (see almost every other fantasy game ever)

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saberon are not highly requested. THey have a vocal fanbase however they wouldn’t be that popular at all.

There are better options for races in regards to fixing the factions. Although it will likely take the combination of many highly requested races to actually fix it. They not only need to be popular requests but also have good racials to entice people to switch from horde.