The best tauren is a tauren found in a churruscaria.
Few things in life more satisfying than the meat parade.
I highly recommend the tauren hump. It’s the most tender and delicious part.
It is cute to see food trying to claim it shouldn’t be eaten. Silly food.
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picks cousin out of his teeth
You were saying? Cousins are the tastiest.
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For those Shu’halo chowing down on their family and Tribe members… this is what Quilboar is for. Pork ribs, y’all.
I’m not sure, but I’d SWEAR dinner was just talking!
So what am I supposed to eat eh? Our gnomish engineering intelligence has allowed us to create deep freezers. A whole cow will feed us for a year with little to gno freezer burn. Stop being selfish and get in the freezer.
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You main land people have a weird diet…
- Starts eating Naga fin soup*