Deadmines or Diremaul?

Deadmines in vanilla was VC.

I still refer to it as VC among those I play with since we all long ago got in that habit.

Trying to say it’s lazy are probably people who never used VC in the first place.

The van clef story along with the defias is one I"d like to see further explored someway since it was the rulers of humans actually cheating those who made much of their building possible / happen.


Incorrect, you’re making the mistake of assuming players back then were always completely ‘logical’ at all times when referencing dungeons. Which I can assure you was hardly the case, (for some reason).

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Well hey, I mean… “If I never heard it any different on my server, then my opinion on the matter must be unequivocally correct, while everyone else who’s saying otherwise obviously never played vanilla”…:drooling_face: (Is basically what I’m reading.)

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It drops from ordinary Defias outside the instance all over Westfall.

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You’re just ignoring the facts at this point.
Diremaul didn’t exist originally.
People called deadmines DM.
People called diremaul by the cardinal directions.
Private servers called deadmines VC.
People claiming VC was common among vanilla players are full of it.
It’s called being a priv server baby.


shift click their names u small tinys

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Deadmines = dm. Dire maul = dm e, dm w, dm n, dm trib

How is this hard?


u all stop now and shift click their names tx

This is just untrue. Deadmines became VC shortly after Dire Maul was released. I’m fine with either abbreviation for Deadmines but saying it’s a private server thing to call it VC is just false.


This is just flat out wrong. I played on a small handful of different servers in Vanilla, and there were definitely a significant number of people that referred to Deadmines as VC. It caused confusion back then too.


Nah, that level 17 pally in Westfall might be looking for a rush through a tribute run.

This. I never once in Vanilla observed a single person on my server calling it VC. It was always DM. Then diremaul most people typed it out or said DMW, DME…


I doubt you so hard here. You must be remembering wrong or exaggerating a lot.
People always refered to diremaul by cardinal direction because of how the dungeon was laid out. People didn’t call it DM, because it would be dumb to refer to it as that.

Diremaul wasn’t released until almost april of 2005.

What did you call deadmines then up until that point?


I’ve been playing since the start and in my experience on Bloodhoof and Area 52 in vanilla I hadn’t seen anyone call it VC because you wanted the dungeon not the boss. I was used to seeing people saying DM:DIRECTION because it saved everyone time and confusion. Now that doesn’t mean people didn’t use it during the time just that I never seen it.


Lemme check the strategy guide.

VC - Van Cleef - Boss of Deadmines instance in Westfall. Sometimes used interchangeably with “Deadmines.” (ie. LFG VC is the same as LFG Deadmines.)


Photo of the publication date on that guide?



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In the early days, Deadmines were called VC. Later on, some ppl started calling them DM. Perhaps this is server dependent.


DM has always and will always be Deadmines.
DM-N/E/W is Dire Maul (North, East, West respectively)
Fail to see how this ever became an issue in the first place. Deadmines came first, it gets the DM acronym.