Not to reignite the issue, I was looking up a separate function and found an in-game support webpage from Blizzard for WoW: What are some common terms and acronyms in the World of Warcraft?
DM: Is short for “Dire Maul”.
VC: Stands for Van Cleff and is used to refer to “The Deadmines”.
When I read through and found that I thought it was amusing considering the strong feelings had from both sides in this thread. It points to VC being a common, if not preferred, acronym for The Deadmines. The first instance I found of either being described in this support page was the capture point November 27, 2005. It’s kind of an interesting thing to look at the changes over time. For example, the December 6, 2004 capture point has AV as meaning Ashenvale (which I had forgotten it being used for this purpose in moderate frequency prior to the addition of Alterac Valley).
AV: Is short for “Ashenvale”.
I just thought I would share since it was interesting to me. I don’t remember some of the listed acronyms being used, though. Con (short for consider apparently), GZ (apparently stands for Gadgetzan instead of grats or gratz), LS (apparently for Lakeshire instead of line of sight or LoS), OG (verus Org), Temple (versus ST) don’t ring much of a bell. I think many, early on, believed Orgrimmar was spelled Ogrimmar.