Deadmines Cataclysm

If i could change 1 thing from deadmines it would be that each “boss” you kill gives you move speed buff instead of just when you hit the worgens part of it and i would make that buff increase mana regen by 1000% per stack (for the less geared groups) BUT those stacks are removed when you do finally reach the last boss.

The goal is simply to speed that part up without removing it.

Insta alt+f4 when it queues. Annoying, long/narrow/cramped (like SFK), too much RP - cool the 1st time then never again.

deadmines is such a snorefest. pointlessly long and terrible last two bosses.

Please Blizzard remove this dungeon from the heroic rotation. Let people do it if they want to do it, but there it borderline torturous to put this 40min - 1 hour dungeon in the rotation.

“We traded one of the most interesting Vanilla bosses for a furry and an egirl, what a downgrade.” -Someone from one of my many DM runs, about a week ago.

Vanessa’s gauntlet is the only reason this dungeon makes me audibly groan whenever I queue into it. Which conveniently happens to be every time I queue for heroics. Funny, that.

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Culling of Stratholme, that RP is bonkers and so slow. I know it’s not Cata content, but still a bit worse.

How dare you disparage Cookie like that?

Yah. In my op, shadowfang keep, the revamped one and everything in there, had nothing on the original worgens and arugal. Like, the worgens were so cool.

CoS RP was ridiculous, but mostly front loaded and (eventually) skippable.

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