Deadmines Cataclysm

So honestly speaking.
The first time around or the second time around its pretty cool… but by far when it comes to a dungeon you will have to do multiple times…

Its literally…

The worst dungeon in WoW history.

point blank.

no comparison.


Having ran that place far more times than I’d like to for my wrists and the axe which at this point I’m convinced only the ring exists, I don’t mind it. It’s definitely no Tolvir, Grim Batol, or Halls of Origination. I’d gladly run DM 6 times for every 1 of those I do if it meant not having them show up in my queue.


In my opinion, it was just a complete downgrade from the original deadmines also. Like the original deadmines was so much better in my op. But that is just me.


I rather run deadmines than a full HOO, also why do you hate deadmines? no actual reasoning behind your post.


I like deadmines. Fun dungeon. Lots of cool mechanics.


I dont mind deadmines. Its a smooth easy dungeon. Not a maze like Ulda.

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I got into a Deadmines in a random today and apparently 4 people had left before I got into it, leaving at the start.

They should just remove the entirely pointless RP walk phase before doing the last boss. It serves no purpose but to waste time. She should just come out after Cookie and let you start the fight immediately.


I tend to agree. It amazes me how many people play this game that don’t really enjoy it. They’d be much happier playing a different game.

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Is this the new Oculus?

I’ve run it so many times, too… and thought the same as OP the first few, but then decided it’s not too bad. Also haven’t seen the bracers I want from there, but have seen the 2Handed axe plenty.

It’s probably the RP stuff that you can’t skip. I figured that was obviously the reason… but maybe not?

i figured the reason would be it just feels super long, the last 3 bosses in particular really bores me I feel ashamed saying this but I literally alt tab during the worgen fight after he disappears I just can’t handle it

Violet Hold is worse

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I guess so, but there are other dungeons with worse unskippable RP.

Are there any that became that way after an update?

Also, out of curiosity, which ones have worse unskippable RP?

Right now, and I guess its more so duration on fluff clearing things, Hall of Origination, something about Halls dungeons, PTSD from HOS.

An absolute slog this dungeon is. Specially the last boss.

I’ve been already taking the 30 min penalty in some characters because the dungeon is just way too annoying. I can’t wait to destroy the place quicker but probably due the RP it wont matter much…

I love the Lazer part and watching my whole team die.

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I like it, great for rep I think.

The whole end of the dungeon sucks. Ripsnarl is an extremely boring boss with tons of downtime. Vanessa is just extremely corny. I don’t get the point of the whole getting poisoned-and-running-through-the-whole-dungeon-again sequence. Also, “You didn’t think I only planted TWO sets of explosives, did you?!?!?!” It’s so campy.


IDK I really hate CoT dungeons (Especially BC ones). Running these more than one time are way worse. At least to me.

Oculus is also pretty bad.

EDIT: omg and BRD :nauseated_face: