You queued for 8 heroics, left 6 times because you feel entitled to a dungeon other than Deadmines even though it’s a random dungeon and now you complain that you only got to do 2 even though you queued into 8.
Just get it over with and then maybe you’d of done more of them, you waiting out the timer is how long it’d take to get one done anyway so you leaving is quite pointless.
You need Valour points so queue for random dungeons and don’t get mad when you get a dungeon you don’t like. It’s called Random Dungeon Finder, I don’t understand when people get mad to the point that they just straight up leave a dungeon, leaving the remaining 4 to either also quit or wait out for a replacement. It’s just so selfish and is just indicitive of this me me me mentality that I’ve seen more and more players adopt lately, thankfully though it’s not getting out of hand and that most people still have common courtesy in not leaving RDF groups.