I seem to have found a bug were blanchy no longer allows the player to give items, instead just displaying that they stop to not run over you, hoping to find some answers here or atleast others having the same issue, so far ive only seen one other person who seems to be having the same problem
I have also ran into this problem
Same here, finished day 2 and was unable to continue on day 3, tried the next day with the same result.
Heads up, just realized my bucket wasn’t filled with clean water, (got from using the empty bucket in swimmable water in bast or ard, and was able to interact, may be your guys’ problem too, or maybe im just dumb
same problem. Im on day 2. cannot brush her.
I am having the same problem, she won’t interact with me at all
I’m also having some issues. I’ve collected every single item and the correct amount, but am unable to turn anything in. I am at the 1st step with the oats. I have all 8 of them in my bags, but once I click on Blanchy, there’s only the message about stopping her. I’m confused if I missed something, because this is the 3rd time I’ve tried to turn in the oats and nothing happens.
I would love to know if someone finds a fix for this, i’ve gotten rid of the items, gone back and obtained them once again and still having the same issue, its been 2 days now with this bug, any help would be much appreciated
I have the same issue. I was able to give oats, brush her then the shoes. After the shoes, she just stops to prevent running me over.
I have given all 6 days items to Blanchy but I did not get the mount. I even went back and collected every item again just in case but it still does not give me the mount. Confused.
Did you end up getting the mount?
Same issue here, any news from the support team about this?
It is doable to get the mount. I have it and got it, after this thread was created, in mid January. You can only do Dead Blanchy once per day and need to make sure you have the correct items in your bags before going to her.
same here, unable to turn apples, sad, any one found a fix?
It’s the end of March 2021 and this is still bugged. what to do?
So I’m on the last day where I have to give Blanchy the apples, but it won’t trigger. I have tried several times now over multiple days. I’ve given her every other item (i collected them all prior to starting). I just want my Blanchy
I’ve waited and tried 2x now to get the quest from Blanchy. I dont understand why it is not available when i talk to her. (i’m the only person and shes bumped me 2x)…
Blizz really needs to fix this.
have any of you had an issue with the empty bucket and not being able to fill it?
Where’s the water source you’re trying to fill the bucket from?
Had this issue today two different groups 3 hours combined and all I get is the 'Sinrunner Blanchy ran into you and has stopped; jazz I have all the items. I feel like this is going to turn into one of those oh i will do it next expac things >.<