DCed because sub expired, but it hasn't

This is one I haven’t seen before - I just got disconnected with a message along the lines of “Your subscription has expired. You need to renew in order to keep playing”. Those aren’t the exact words but close enough. I shut down WoW and realised that the BNET app shows I still have 12 days left on my sub.

So I fired WoW back up and it logged in just fine. Any idea why the weird DC where the game thought I didn’t have a sub?


Same happened to me, very weird.

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Same thing just happened to me, right as some other people were saying it happened to them in Trade chat. I’m thinking something briefly went haywire for everyone.


Just happened to me too. Checked the card it comes from, fine, checked my bank account, fine - not sure what the issue is.

Edit: also logged back in without issue. Very weird.

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It’s a relief to see other people getting the same error. I guess it’s an authentication server hiccup then and I’ll stop worrying.

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3 times in a row now and know 100% account is paid

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My sub is good thru October and just got booted with the error about my sub was out of time. Logged back in and it was fine. I know this was happening to some people on Tuesday. Here’s hoping it gets resolved soon. I play nothing but healers and would hate to dc in the middle of a dungeon or raid.

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Happened to me a couple minutes ago. My account page says I’m still subbed so it must be a system glitch somewhere.

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I got the same thing twice now. i checked my account status and it doesnt expire till August.

Same happened to me. Logged back in immediately and went on my way. Checked sub on web site and I’m only 2 1/2 months into a 6-month sub, so no idea what happened.

Software superior by design… oh, wait, we have your credit card on file… never mind… continue playing. [facepalm]

Same here, and wasnt even end of billing period, i have accounts expiring Aug 24th. Odd

Could’ve been an issue with B-Net/Account interface. I was just trying to log on for the day (a few minuets ago) and kept getting disconnected at the realm list screen.

Closed out B-Net & started back up, logged in fine.

Blizz, fix your problem. I am raiding and keep getting booted because of this

Mentioned it in GD but I’ll mention it here too, I’m not subscribed but I was gifted 60 days of game time and it happened to me so who knows.

If you notice it also says go to worldofwarcraft.com so my feeling is it’s some kind of scam

While changing characters I got a popup window in the game client that my subscription had expired, but my account is on a six month recurring payment plan. Logged out and in again without issue. Submitted a ticket.

Being looked into folks, but if you have current time - you should be able to just log back in.

You can always check your time remaining in Account Management.


Seems unlikely to be a scam when it’s a blizzard popup not just a chat message. Looks like there’s been authentication problems for a couple days and blizzard are aware of them. I managed to find a couple other threads with similar problems that have blue posts.

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same everyone in my m+ group started to dc they came back 1 by 1 then i dced with the same msg