Can’t log in again.
yeppers, i hope whoever is doing this DDOS stubs their toe tonight, twice.
stuck logging into game server
Are you receiving any error messages?
Deep breaths people it will be over soon enough unless ur on a HC
I’m told its only Illidan.
I tried logging in to multiple servers for retail and no go. This week WOW has literally been unplayable for me between all these DDOS attacks and other issues they had.
don’t think it’s a ddos. nothing on x telling us about it. most likely blizzards end.
No problem here. More investigation would be needed. You could try the Tech forum.
In the vast majority of cases though, connectivity problems are due to routing issues.
It’s ridiculous, 2 days I can’t even load to character screen. No other OCE players I know can login. Impossible to get any progression with these interruptions.