Nay, my humble wordsmith – it is we who should be thanking you for gracing us with your words.
Alas, my dearest Fleb, I see now why I can’t contain you. I will always love you, but you must be allowed to fly free and spread the beauty of your words, thoughts, and deeds, throughout all the lands! I will be here when you return.
You have clearly become the Shakespeare of Azeroth, and the thousands of (or at least 8) followers that you’ve amassed attest to your greatness.
From a simple lowly forsaken, to emperor of all, we have followed your meteoric rise to the stars and can only hope to bask in the momentary touches of your bright glory.
With talent such as yours, it is only a matter of time before you are asked to become game director- and what a wondrous day that will be!
I, for one, do not believe the rumors that have been running ramant across the internet: Yes, Fleb and Watcher have never been seen on the forums (or in the game) at the same time – but I cannot believe they are one and the same!
As always, your loving wife,
Mrs. Fleb
The Amazing Adventures of Fleb (The Fleb Diaries)™
Day 5:
Day 7: