Day #6 as a male human

Dear diary, today was a happy day! The boars were oinking, the fish were jumping out of the water and i had a good sleep without any back pain for sleeping on the floor. In all sunny happy day, one must be productive and get some quest done.

I open my task list, put on my old 3D glasses and read my list, i had a lot of things to do that i didnt finish, because i got distract by unexpected events. I vow myself that i will complete at least 1 quest today! My first mission was to get the milk that my papa Hawkéns ask a week ago, you can’t eat cereals without the proper liquid!

I gather my things that is mostly my club and i venture into the city again to find some milks. After going into many shops with no success, i ask a random citizen about my quest and he told me to go take a shower and wear some clothes, since i was all muddy and only in my underwear. I wanted to club him, but we can’t let our angry emotions take control in a happy day. After venturing around the trade district, I manage to find a place that is selling some cold ice milk and it was at the auction house. There were so many people in that place, all staring at the the 4 humans and some wave at them time to time. The employees told me that the ice cold milk would cost 5 golds the glass, what a bloody scam, i will not waste my 10 well earn golds from by clubed victim for such a low quantity of milk!

If i cant buy the milk, i’ll just go harvest the milk from a cow. I get out of the city and wander the Elwynn forest. It would be simple to gather milk from Goldshire, but papa specially said no milk from Goldshire, i never understood why, the innkeeper always serve me good tasty milk when i needed my protein drink. I put my beast detection up and after a bit of stalking random people and running around in circle, i manage to find a cow! It was there, in front of me, still with the same old model from wow glory days. I slowly approach the beast, watching every steps that i would do to not make too much noise and scare my milk. I realize that i didnt have to do all the stealth approach since that cow didn’t run away after poking it with my club.

Now for the fun part, to gather the milk, the sweet juicy taste of cow milk in the cereals will be amazing. There a problem tho, I had no idea how to harvest milk from the cow like a normal basic human, i heard many rumors about the human ways of gathering milk, but i couldn’t confirm which one is true. I decide to follow my instinct and my intelligence with the next step, i get a bucket, put it under the cow and i told her to do her thing. The cow was just looking at me confuse, i try to persuade this cow with my lovely charm, but without success.

So i try to encourage her to do the thing by giving her a little slap on the back and by Luci tentacles, the cow just die! The critters in our world really need to get a bigger health pool! I felt bad that i kill this poor animal, but at the same time, cow meat is delicious and I really know how to harvest milk in the forsaken ways. I bring the dead beast to my den, I harvest the cow meat for dinner, skin the leather and manage to fill a big bottle with cow milk. I grab a wild pigeon, tie the bottle of milk to it, told the bird to bring it to Hawkéns and the pigeon fly away to make the delivery.

I was getting late and i was tired, i went to bed happy with my quest being completed.

Thanks for reading my diary and have a good day.


This whole series feels like there is a hidden puzzle among all the random text formatting :female_detective:


s i v i n e I s c o m i n g b e r e a d y

Now I’m worried. What’s a Sivine and how do I get ready for it?


I am positively quivering with excitement to learn what happens on day seven. Please keep me informed my living legend, you are making my pre-sleeping routine all that more enjoyable.




Well, there goes my theory that the bolded letters are some kinda code :laughing:

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OOO! I missed some bolded letters! It is a code!

Silverpine? Sylvanas?



Today’s episode of Fleb as Human should be titled “Fleb & The Cow!”

Just be aware, Fleb, that getting milk :milk_glass: from those black and white colored cows in Elwynn Forest is a lot, lot easier than getting it from your old Horde mates. I’d suggest sticking with those easy to kill kind of cows.

/moo :cow:

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100000% spooked
Im not ready

Today’s entry was about milk, so perhaps cover yourself in milk? :laughing:

(gives Fleb a bar of milk soap to keep his human skin glowing with health!)

(puts out a lovely little tray of cookies for all to enjoy!)



The puzzles are better than trying to find some hidden mount. Can’t wait for Sivine.

Oh no. I’m not falling for that one again.

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Nay, my humble wordsmith – it is we who should be thanking you for gracing us with your words.

Alas, my dearest Fleb, I see now why I can’t contain you. I will always love you, but you must be allowed to fly free and spread the beauty of your words, thoughts, and deeds, throughout all the lands! I will be here when you return.

You have clearly become the Shakespeare of Azeroth, and the thousands of (or at least 8) followers that you’ve amassed attest to your greatness.

From a simple lowly forsaken, to emperor of all, we have followed your meteoric rise to the stars and can only hope to bask in the momentary touches of your bright glory.

With talent such as yours, it is only a matter of time before you are asked to become game director- and what a wondrous day that will be!

I, for one, do not believe the rumors that have been running ramant across the internet: Yes, Fleb and Watcher have never been seen on the forums (or in the game) at the same time – but I cannot believe they are one and the same!

As always, your loving wife,
Mrs. Fleb

The Amazing Adventures of Fleb (The Fleb Diaries)™
Day 5:

Day 7:

It keep the public entertained with some lovely puzzles 8)

If i tell you, it would ruine the surprise my darling.

I’m honored to make you enjoy your pre-sleeping routine even more dearest Luci.

Maybe the sivine that is coming is her, who knows.

But i like getting milk with some action and get all sweaty.

If you are not ready, you won’t survive with what coming.

Thank you timbit!

You gonna love the Sivine.

Thanks for still being my wife even with all my strange behavior love.

I… I find that I am fully invested in this series.


I find myself making sure to check back everyday for the next entry…


Fleb, everyone knows to get milk from a cow you need to pick it up over your head and break it in half. The milk will flow down onto you (And some blood, but that makes it strawberry flavoured).

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where am I at in the story Fleb? :disappointed: I like your stories I wanna be a part of it too.

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And here we see the Fleb in his natural habitat, writing good stories for the people of the interwebs. Absolutely fascinating.

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You want to find out how it will end, dont you?

Good man!

I’ll write it down to remember next time, thank you big chest orc man.

I can’t post everyone in 1 entry cute stuff and you know that!
