DAY 3 of asking for a 2nd Melee Attack for 2h Shaman

I am going to keep making this thread until the dev team stops being lazy or bans me. Just increasing the speed on attack speed is lazy and not fun.

Currently the melee 2 handed hunter has more melee attack options for a spec that never existed in vanilla while the original 2h enhance vanilla spec has been binned and spat on. I saw your post on making molten blast into spell damage, honestly this is really good for tanks so I do not want to take that from them and make their life worse.

You can easily do the 2 minutes of dev time to make:

  • lava lash to work with 2handers.

Or spend more dev time and add a unique ability

  • Ice strike.

This isnt a request to do more damage, its a request to make the spec actually feel fun to play and not utter garbage.

It hilarious to me that you made both our bloodmoon weapons and even gave us solid 2h optionsd at 60 but havent addressed this COMMONLY outspoken requested feature. Should I make a twitter post for this too?


I don’t play a Shaman at all, and I actually think they’ve been kinda busted for a while now, but 2H Shaman should get some love. Unbreakable is an iconic vid for Classic WoW. Make it a thing!

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DW and ELE need to be tuned down, and IMO I also dont like that rets dont want slow weapons and are being forced to seal twist so heres to hoping they fix something for both.

Ele in pvp is going to be even more turbo borken next patch but what can we do. DW enh may be worse in pvp tbh in p4, I stopped playing enh in pvp when they just made ele downright the most broken spec in the entire game.


Be careful not to let @stormwolf hear you say that, guy thinks the only busted thing in sod is paladins and they need to be beheaded and put on display :joy:

Its okay I know most ele mains are delusional. When I did my first bg with all of my ele gear and did 120k damage in an AB just pressing flameshock alone, I knew the class was fried. Me pressing one instant cast dot did more damage than the top 5 opps on the other side combined. And we aint talking about all those juicy power surge lava burst executes either.

The spec is actively killing bgs, only delusional retail challengers stuck in the boomer mindset of “nuh uh its just because alliance suck” have opinions that I could care less to read. The data is there.


Make enhance a 2h spec like god intended


I’ve been providing feedback since before SOD started lol. So we’re more like on day 210+ of asking for two-handed to be more
Viable. I’ve suggested I do believe 7 different ability ideas, hell I’ve built entire talent trees!

Here’s to hoping this week we see an additional melee attack!

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Yeah maybe something that’s basically lava lash for two handers but it does frost or nature damage. That’d be sick. Maybe it can even crit on frozen targets like you “shatter” them

It’s always been a let down for me that Shamans are meant to be a triple element class, consisting of nature, fire, and frost, and yet there’s no frost. You got frost shock and…that’s…it. A slow.

Worse is that there’s never anything across the expansions of WoW that actually addresses this. Legion gave us a talent to cast 1 spell, and then hey we get to use Frost Shock with no cooldown and a damage increase for 4 GCDs. But that’s still just frost shock man, we always needed something else.

Wish we had a frost based melee attack, and don’t any of you dare mention Frostbrand weapon, that imbue has always been a joke.

introduced in Badowlands

Fiction, WoW Retail ended at Legion.

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I wish I played Legion, I came back to the game mid BFA and did the class order hall stuff later for transmog and just because the order hall stuff was so cool

It was a good expansion, except for some of the Mythic Raids. They dropped the ball on fights consisting of nothing more than “Have player stand here while pressing their immunity button” while only giving half the classes an immunity to do the mechanics. Made literally half the classes undesirable for an entire raid tier.

…although PvP was trash too. Introducing Demon Hunters that, I kid you not, one shot casters with an instant cast ability. Videos of it all over the place where they perform their gap closer, and then dead caster. Enjoy your 3v3 arena starting with your healer being dead at the start of every fight.

biggest mistake, god I hate that class. it feels like some kid’s edgy super hero fanfic got turned into a playable class.

they have 2 stuns (one AoE), an instant cast cyclone, a fear, a purge, they can reverse magic on friendlies (if I HoJ their healer they can reverse it onto me), a 6 SECOND IMMUNITY NOW, fly up in the air and do insane damage with fel lance, and they get fkin dark souls iframes when they press metamorphosis lmao

not to mention insane constant pressure and mobility

demon hunter mains be like “but we can die in a stun!” like that’s some unique weakness to their class

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Don’t forget the ranged interrupt on a melee class, with a gap closer, if you ever felt like the answer to them would be a Hex/Polymorph/Fear or whatever.

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DW got pole-axed in PvE and (again) in PvP

Ele needs an adjustment to Burn to make it more useful in PvE and less oppressive in PvP. (Burn in BGs and the STV event isn’t even fun…it’s just oppressive to opponents and boring running around with instant cast effective AoE…and it’s useless in raid.)

Though my sense of being mature and reasonable about PvP balance is fading very quickly with amount of screeching that follows shaman discussion…from the usual suspects.

“Shamans have no stuns or bubbles, if you can’t beat shaman; git gud.”
And just leave it at that.

If we are talking something like Ice Strike, can we create more synergy for Frostbrand. The ignored part of Shaman still at this point is we are missing that “Enhanced Imbues” addition that makes them better than just WF all day every day. FT and RB are just buttons you press to enable actual fun things. FB isn’t even in the conversation.

Make the twitter post

I’m not against giving another melee attack to 2H shaman but… Maybe decrease the 50% weapon speed bonus of 2H mastery rune then?

Would really depend on the nature of the 2nd attack to TBH.

As it is now, 2H is just kinda edging DW in the PTR, after it was severely crushed.
(My DW Shaman in the PTR with T0.5 and ST Gear is doing less damage than the average Ret in ST against the dummy.)

Granted, that’s without consumes outside of using a Major mana pot (mana is back to being an issue for Enhance with how badly they got gutted.)