DAY 3 of asking for a 2nd Melee Attack for 2h Shaman

I think this is totally fair to decrease this back down and ideally people wanted a second attack more auto attacks.


If the 2nd attack is something that 2H doesn’t have to wait 12+ seconds to use, then I could the speed being dropped a bit.

The idea is just to make 2H able to take advantage of MSW at least in the same ballpart as DW. (Since MSW is what enhance is entirely built around.)

Exactly how my first bgs went on my ele alt. No pvp trinket, 3/4 greens… Top damage and kills by a mile. Edit… Even doing games as 2h enhance with a mid 40s blue, burn rune/flame shock was still doing 75% of my damage.

Ditto that to my first bloodmoon. Got basically 50% more coins first try than my warrior has ever gotten in there.

remember when someone said they were supposed to get focused and die as soon as they got in FS range?

man I done told you! keep abusing it for a fuller picture of why I haven’t wanted to queue BGs in 2 months

I love this series, KEEP IT GOING!
Day 4 HYPE!

I mean, they still should… but even if they do, the shock is instant cast so it still goes out and does a ton of damage (which is the part I underestimated)… Also when I said that, I had forgetton that they can blessing of freedom themselves with decoy totem now, which means their positional mistakes are much harder to punish.

Finally, whilst the proc rate on flame shock dots -->power surge rune for instant lava bursts isn’t very high single target, I’d underestimated the proc rate when you actually get the shock off on a clumped group of players/pets. Can almost start machine gunning those meatballs out, it’s absurd.

I don’t like making declarations that a class is broken overpowered until I play them, and yeah, having played one now, they busted AF.

I had a few idea’s myself, some skills I saw in in other post and modified.

All of these would be a glove rune:

  1. Thunderous Strike : An Elemental attack that deals 100% weapon damage as nature and increases your spell critical strike chance by 5%. (essentially a strong attack that can proc Elemental Devastation and works well with Stormstrike ). 6 second cooldown, 1% base mana. Requires a two-handed weapon.

  2. Molten Blast: The Shaman fires a cone of lava at it’s enemies, dealing 65% (115% with a two-handed weapon equipped) weapon damage as fire to the selected target, up to 10 other targets receive 10% of weapon damage as fire. 10% base mana, 8 second cooldown.

  3. Lava Lash: You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 100% off-hand Weapon damage. Damage is increased by 125% if your off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue. While wielding a two-handed weapon Lava Lash Strikes the target with your main hand dealing 100% weapon damage as fire. 6 second cooldown, 1% base mana.

  4. Frozen Strike: Imbue your main hand with ice instantly dealing 75% weapon damage as Frost, if the enemy is afflicted with Frost Shock Frozen Strike shatters the enemies defenses dealing a critical strike and increasing frost damage taken by 15% for 15 seconds. 6 second cooldown, 1% base mana. Requires a two-handed weapon.

  5. Stormblast: Strike the target for 70% weapon damage plus and additional 25% nature damage. Each Stormblast increases nature damage taken by 5% increasing up to 15%. Last 15 seconds. 6 second cooldown, 1% base mana. Requires a two-handed weapon.

  6. Crash Lightning: A thunderous attack, the Shaman imbues his weapon with lightning dealing 150% weapon damage to your main target and 75% weapon damage to 2 other targets within 10 yards. 12 Second cooldown, 5% base mana. Requires a two-handed weapon.

  7. Shocking Weapon: The Shaman focus’s the power of earth into it’s weapon, your next Earth Shock is absorbed and then released on your next auto attack dealing 25% more damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds. 15 Second cooldown, 5% base mana. (Would still function as an interrupt.) Earth Shock wouldn’t go on cooldown until you released it.

  8. Wind Ripper: A instant strike that that deals 100% weapon damage and envelopes the target in wind, slowing attack and cast speed by 25% for 5 seconds. 12 second cooldown, 5% base mana.

Good ideas there, I think the only change I would make would be to Frozen Strike.

Being 75% of weapon damage feels kinda silly if it’s only special effect is to be an auto crit.

I’d have it be 115-130% weapon damage, and if Frost Shock is on the target, refresh Frost Shock Duration.

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I mean surely this would of been a better decision than overtuning DW enhance?

Would of created less loot drama because currently there will 4 classes going for 1hs on horde side and 0 for 2hs.

slow down there cowboy :cowboy_hat_face:

You’re right, we should make it 115%, hit 4 targets and proc imbues. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty sure even at 130% it still wouldn’t hit as hard as Mortal Strike.

Bump for a 2nd melee attack for 2hd shaman. Thanks

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Day 3 Plz Give us 2H Shammy a 2nd ATTK

The idea would be your shattering your opponent hehe. I updated it by the way.

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