Day #3 as a human male

The fact there is now a Fleb family slowly growing makes me smile.


If a male human starts running in your direction you just run, no questions asked. You did right.

Im sowwy 8(

Ay now, i’m not that sticky.

I’m going to end up having 8 children at this rate lol.

The right way is to greet the man running at you!

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It’s ok. I still love you Fleb!

It’s just I don’t like carrots in cat form )8

Not that sticky but just a lil bit.

It was fine

At least you still love me!

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I hold off the wolf man and you become a murder hobo and hit guards? I’m so proud of you. Let’s find you a real home soon, totally-real-human.

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Poor Fleb didn’t get to pet the kitty! You can pet me instead!

Another day, another story, well stay safe Fleb.

Last time I greeted a male human he tried to drag me to the cathedrel of light basement. Running is the best option.

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maybe he was trying to cleanse you of your sins

god only knows what kind of dirty deeds you have done

What sins? I’m pure and good.

Besides, I drag people to dark hidden places not the opposite.

Fleb, don’t eat the cat. Catch the cat and teach it to catch mice! Cities like SW pay good gold to keep the critters from going out of control. They will pay 1 gold per vermin and you get to keep them too! They just want proof of capture. So you see, by catching, training and becoming friends with the fuzzy cat. You get gold and free food! Good luck on day 4!

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seems believable

if you were pure and good, you wouldn’t mind being dragged to the light…now what are you hiding? naughty secrets! confess!

Fleb, you didn’t eat the cat?

That sounds like something you would see on an inspirational poster. In fact…


There was no light in there, he was probably a serve of the old gods trying to corrupt the few that are still completely pure.

Thanks my guardian angel!

Let be ruffle that hair of yours 8)

Thank you love!

You had a good experience in that cathedrel yes?

I should hire you as my project manager miss! You will enjoy what i have in store for today diary!

Yes confess to me!

He escape me 8(

Beautiful, thank you.


He only ate a bit of the cat…

How could have forgotten me… again… I understand you forgetting your sister because well she was a nut job who went home with a Gnome warrior for a night of passion after a Barry Manilow concert but to forget me, your favorite nephew?

I am the crushed but if there is one thing I learned from the guy who brought me back to life to fight for him it’s never drop your soap in the shower.


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Omg, this is awesome! L :hearts: v e it!

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