Careful now, before another Hunter spec loses their pet…
Everyone has stuff so your not forced to bring one class… Please read the basics before you post.
You missed the point of my post. everyone has stuff so you’re not forced to bring one class. They only need one luster - and all of the luster classes have utility way more than hunters.
you forgot to say in your opinion, i think hunters are usually left out because you forget you have buttons like. tar trap, misdirect, bursting shot, binding shot, and lust. your not missing utility. other hunters give your class a bad name because they suck.
No they do not. Hunters above all other have more group utility than most classes bring. You just need to know what your doing and how to use the tools your given. If it would let me swap toons I would show you my hunter. Ive played hunter off and on since Warlords so trust me when I say you have more utility than your giving yourself credit for.
Not really so squishy anymore; they got buffs to rise to par with other DPS.
They are a ranged DPS that can be as mobile as they need to be. They also can also reliably break themselves out of roots and break other people out of roots as well. They also have an immunity and feign death has been known to be used to cheese mechanics.
As ‘good’ as shamans are, a fight like M. Ansurek apparently just kills shamans if they don’t have someone to break them out of the second and third roots (either a hunter, paladin, or Evoker with Time Spiral).
This isn’t really a special buff, but I do miss when hunters had aspect of the cheetah which worked for the entire group and had no cd.
I know it was annoying for other people when they got stunned in cheetah mode, but surely blizz could change that. Was such a silly small quality of life to take away.
It dazed, not stunned. And for every group that liked it, 5 complained about it.
Well whatever it’s called mate, I’m sure most people from then knew what I mean. And yeah ppl complained which is why I suggested blizz change that aspect of it.
So, if you’re gonna put a 100% uptime speed buff without consequence, that’s limited to one class, and that forces the inclusion of said class in ALL group content, no matter the size, wouldn’t just raising base speed be better?
It made sense for the wilderness guide and helping lowbies to get across the world.
Now you get super speedy flight, for free, at level 10.
How does Crit help with your “Complete defensive rework”?
Yeah but fat chance blizzard would do that, and secondly that wasn’t the purpose of this thread
Those are entirely separate things my dude
Maybe I should have put them in different sentences so that’d be more clear
What happened to days 1 - 99?
Day 100 of spam!
All specs have party shields since it’s on the left hand side. Unless of course they changed it recently-ish since it’s been a minute since i played mage.
Also you bring Bloodlust. Or Ancient Hysteria i think it’s called for Hunters.
TBH they just need to make group buffs into scrolls. The benefit of bringing a Mage should be the damage and utility the class brings, not that it buffs your Aug and Healer.
Hunters have bloodlust, which is one of the most valuable buffs to have. They also have hunter’s mark which is slightly annoying to have to remember to put onto a boss and has no use on trash whatsoever, but is there.
But I wouldn’t say no to more utility. I love utility, I love using utility. I want to help my party succeed, not just have the best DPS.