Day 100 of asking: Please give Hunters Group Buffs/Utility

They need to give us more group utility i swear - either with defensive buffs or something. We only give tank utility with mobs with slows and freezes, (but EVERY class has that as well) so literally we bring nothing special. Look at all the other lust classes:

  • Mage - int buff, fire has party shields, mana/health food, curse dispell

  • Evoker- tank/party buffs, defensives, speed buff, stamina buff if specced, rescues, poison cleanse, dz/curse dispell

  • Shaman - poison dispell, curse dispell, windfury, cap totem, speed totem, lowest RANGE CD interrupt, self-battle res, highest DPS by a mile

  • Hunter - literally nothing for group except 5% increased damage for like only 15 seconds maybe on bosses, and which that is completely useless for mobs since it wastes GCD and is on CD.

So how are we as a class supposed to stand out? just frustrated how little group utility we have. No wonder no groups want us.

You have roots, stuns, slows, cc, misdirect, flare, etc.

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Let’s go back to Wrath era where everyone gave a buff… Then if you didn’t have that class you were then gimped.

Perhaps we should have less buffs?


EVERY class has that as well.

Mage = freezing, Aug = breath, ground roots, swings,… EVERY CLASS has it. Rogues has MD. Shamans = cap totem. But guess what they all bring helk a lot more than just 5% increase damage for 15 seconds.

How the helk is “flare” useful in keys? that’s pretty reaching.

Get better at hunter

Hunter has a ton of utility

Every class has a lot of utility. So what makes hunters’ special? I’ll tell you what makes us NOT special though, is that we lack a group buff or big group utility (dispel/curse/cleanse/battle res - because all of the other lust classes have those)

What do Hunters have that other classes already don’t? Please name me EVEN one.

Old binding shot was nice, but yeah hunter has nothing exciting that really warrants an invite and are only brought when their dps is very strong

On top of being very squishy

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Poor WW and BrM. Maybe Circle of Make the Tank Mad can be changed to make everyone mad.

If hunters are getting group buff, i want my relentless crew back

They also have a de-enrage/sooth which only 2 classes have

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Tranq shot
Bursting shot
Roar of sac
Concussive shot
Knock up trap
Pet stun

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I am expecting MM to be flavor of the month META on 11.1. Hope it happens.

a ranged interrupt, stun, implosive trap, freeze trap, hunters mark, lust, 2 stocks of 30 percent damage reduction, a self heal, etc etc you don’t know how to play hunter

Hunter is fine as it is. Not every class needs a group buff.

I suspect I’ll see Day 101 tomorrow though.

How about worrying about doing the job and less about being special.

I don’t bring MD (hunter also have) with me for mythic build. What else does rogues bring to the table?

did you forget misdirect like 90% of other hunters out there that probably don’t have it on their bars?

The Main Reason I chose Hunter over all Classes in WoW… is Feign Death and PET. Unkillable on PvE World.

Group Utility, I often use Misdirect to quickly ramp up Tank’s Threat so that everyone could Nuke right away. Only Rogue has it?

Tranq Shot on some occasions.

Binding Shot to save a party member usually in M+.

Bursting Shot knocks back like how others do it.

So on M+, I have Counter Shot, Pet stun, Bursting Shot knockback to interrupt.

Yeah, I have Lust if they have no Shammy or Mage.

I am very welcome on M+.

On Raid, they need many people. Let Raid utility be done by other specs. To be chosen on Raid, all they want from you is YOUR DPS. World First had a BM Hunter.

Tranq shot - mages can slows, dazes
Misdirect = rogues can tricks
Traps = mage can freeze trap, cap totems
Binding = druids can vortex, DH can pull back,
Bursting shot =ddruid typhoon, aug knock back
Roar of sac = wtf is even that
Freedom = ??
Lust = mage, shaman, evokers, they all can lust.
Concussive shot
Knock up trap
Pet stun

You clearly don’t know what tranq shot does.

How much did your boost cost?