Day #1 as a male human

I like the old Fleb. Something different about you.

Ok,so you were an undercover

Ah, just you wait until I rip off my shirt.

/Rips off shirt

"Behold, the glory that is my chest!!"


Understandable, carry on, Fleb.

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So OP likes Undead.

Pretty much sums up this post nicely lol

You’re a girl.
flips hair

You show them, we women shouldn’t be embarassed of our chests. :muscle:

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Sometimes you must make sacrifice with your mistakes my cow monster 8(

Maybe I’m a undercover human 8)

Chest is not enough muscly like mine, but we will make it better, don’t you worry.

I like many things cute stuff.

We need more women pride!

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any day Fleb is around is a good day :slight_smile:

Does Forsaken Fleb still exist?


Well my undead form got the hammer, so now I’m stuck with this 8(

A girl with thorns and roots on her side.

/Throws rose throws at Elenedhel


I can take my pants off too, if you want.

/Turns into a bear

How about now!!??

Yeh, let’s represent!

/Strips off shirt again.

Don’t worry, I’m here if you need any peeling!

/Flips thorn between fingers casually

as long as you back in some form. U’d probably make a good elf though :smiley:

You’re pretty hot in your shirtless bear form with that thorn around your claws.

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Why thank you, I’m sure you look great with your shirt off too, Fleb :wink:



as long as you back in some form. U’d probably make a good elf though :smiley:

Me human and will stay human. I have to remain basic to not get spotted.

Now i want you really badly, but i must control my urges 8(

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Who says control is the best part of being human, hmm?

/Vine creeps up my leg seductively

Why wear any clothes at all? I mean, you can turn into a animal anytime you want. Your expenses in outfit must be pretty high.


the real question is why do druids wear leather clothing knowing where leather comes from?!


More reason to wear nothing.

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