Dawnweave and Duskweave has almost disappeared from the loot table

Helloooo Any response on this?

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Even a simple “yeah we nerfed the drop rates cuz f you, lol” blue response would be more appreciated than the silence at this point.

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Would love some acknowledgement of this being an issue. Can’t get ANY dawnweave to drop. I’ve been playing almost all day and days previous. This is insane.

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Mats are sold across NA, not server based anymore. So we are all seeing the same thing for prices.

Lowkey feels like someone went to update tweak the drop rate, but represented a percentage value incorrectly - e.g. instead of 5% (which would often be stored as the 0.05 decimal), they did 0.05%.

Poking around undermine.exchange, September 3 (the day before the last US reset) had ~6g per Duskweave (rank 1) and a supply of ~520k. Since then prices have been going up and quantity has been going down. Right now, the price for a single cloth is ~300g and the total supply, in the entire Americas region, is ~15k. That’s essentially 50x change.

This cannot be a nerf, this is less playable than Enchanting before the recent fix; it has to be an error. If we went by reagent price alone, a Duskweave Bag would cost something in the neighborhood of 30,000g (with extremely lucky unraveling spool procs). I feel like this is getting close to a point where there’s going to be a measurable real world monetary impact for people who use Tailoring in fund their WoW tokens.

The auction house is running out of Duskweave on my server too. There is now only 5k rank 2 Duskweave left and it is selling for 300 gold each. That is just crazy high compared to all other uncommon materials. Very soon it will be all sold out and we won’t be able to make anything like leg enchants and spark gear.

Made a post about this in the forums but i second this I built a character specifically to farm cloth with all of the KP spent in getting rank 1-3 cloth and unlocking dusk/dawn weave and now the character is essentially useless as farming for 4-5 hours and only getting enough cloth to do a single unravel isnt able to support my main tailors crafting needs…

I’ve been posting on Reddit and Twitter and it’s Radio silence everywhere.

The price of Dawnweave and Duskweave have increased by over 30 fold in about 9 days.

On my server Dawnweave was around 5G, it’s now up to 192 and Duskweave from around 6 G to 294 G

The quantity of Duskweave on the AH went from 500,000 to 20,000 and the quantity of Dawnweave on the AH went from 350,000 to 38,000.

Something tells me that this was done on purpose because the value of Duskweave and Dawnweave was less than the value of Weavercloth. However doing it without adding patch notes or informing the community has caused a lot of anger and confusion.

Same here on the drop rates. I just don’t see the stuff anymore. Maxed knowledge for chance to drop and quality of drops as well as 30 points in Duskweave Tailoring, as well as From Dawn To Dusk. Honestly, I’d take a couple of recipes to Imbue them in their respective primary zones. Hallowfall for Dawnweave and AK for Duskweave, so long as it doesn’t cost tinderboxes though because that will not fix anything.

Exactly this. What’s even more frustrating is knowing that people who abused hyperspawns are the ones that profit from this most of all.
Most casual players like me ended up unlocking the drops around the same time they nuked it.
I might be conspiracist on this, but it seems to me that once again this change is catering to some elitist group of people (Exploit early and often). IMO hyperspawn farm is a form of exploit and they should have given temp bans across the board.

I don’t understand how hard it is to find a balanced solution.

Just make a cap of for drops per hour and day and week.

I think the whole profession is dysfunctional right now. You need those drops to advance and reach max lvl.

Really feels like they don’t care.


1 spool of duskweave is 400g lol good job blizz :crazy_face:


No response from Blizz on this is almost insulting at this point.


I made a post on the main CS page and got this in return

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At minimum they should have come out and say that they found out people were exploiting hyperspawn locations and they had to remedy this situation rapidly.

I hope that at minimum they will send a temp ban to all those who exploited the hyperspawn locations when they will restore the drop rates. I understand they had to nerf it to the ground when they realized that duskweave were 6g on the AH, but they are penalizing the casual gamers and not the offending players right now.

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That’s one way of blaming your coworkers. Can they not communicate with each other?

Yeah this is just ridiculous at this point.

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Not if the bosses order them not to.

CS is literally not allowed to bother the developers.


I don’t expect cloth to go for nothing, but 900+ gold for a single dawnweave or duskweave bolt or 300+ for a single piece of duskweave before unraveling is absolutely moronic. Folks shouldn’t have to spend 200k+ just to level one profession. Even though I can afford to drop 200k at a time, I shouldn’t have to, nor should anyone else. Then there’s greens going for 40k+ on my server in some instances. GREENS!!. I swear Xala’tath has shifted us all into the twilight zone. Spent around 8 hours finishing up the campaign and doing a bit of farming yesterday and I might have seen a total of 5 duskweave all day, and I know I only picked up 3 dawnweave because I started with zero. Gotten to the point of foolishness with some of these prices. While I might enjoy being able to sell duskweave bags for super high prices (cause let’s be real we all like gold), this isn’t sustainable at all and something has to give here.

I thought early Draenor was bad when I played that, but idk what this is. Definitely something fouled up somewhere because I was getting decent drops then all of a sudden it stopped. I can get plenty of weavercloth but even that’s slowed down some.


I really do want to believe (hope) this is a bug. But the longer it remains unaddressed, the more I fear it’s actually ‘intended’. Which is sad as tailoring has been the one profession I’ve always maintained. But it’s entirely not enjoyable when I can’t make a single useful thing without resorting to exploiting spawn mechanics.