Dawnbreaker sucks

I think it’s pretty kewl. =0

You’re just bad at video games

My UI dissapears from time to time while im at this awful dungeon.

I’ve not yet had the pleasure of running the entire dungeon. But I got pulled in at the last boss and spawned mid-air. I am excited for all the shenanigans this dungeon will bring.

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It can still be a completely buggy mess even with a tank who knows where they are going. Chapel > House > Courtyard is the normal route, but you still have the chance of someone aggroing stuff by flying too low and then by time you get to the 2nd boss you have 3 extra packs on the boss you have to scramble to gather up.

I’ve had instances while healing where when I flew back to the main boat from the side ones, I phased into the hull of the ship and couldn’t get out or heal the group - so I died on the first explosion.

People know by now to fly, but there is very little explanation about what to do when you start flying. Nothing about gathering orbs to increase your buff timer that lets you fly. They could just fix that by giving a static flying master that you click and he pulls you into the boat he rides in on to give you the buff to fly with.

Everything aside, the actual non-flying boss mechanics in the dungeon are awesome, the biggest issue most people have is the flying portion and then when tanks just pull the 2nd boss without doing generals and expect it to go smooth and fast.

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This is the trick right here. People just go where they want to, then cry when the tank isn’t with them!

Check out threads in the Bug Reports forum listing so many ways it can break down.

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Im just wondering what will happen in an M+ run if the ship doesnt spawn can you leave and re enter to make it appear?

Flying feels odd in there, it doesn’t feel like dragon-riding 100%. It’s like when you’re on the boat, it’s pushing you in a certain direction.

Also, the boat taking off makes me feel sick. I did it yesterday and I had 2 hours of sleep and man, it felt weird.

I like it. Skill issue?

One of the weeklies is for Dawnbreaker. Gotta force people into it.

Ran this dungeon like 30+ times since launch now, and have ran into 0 bugs everyone claims this dungeon is filled with. Something tells me this is either potato PCs at fault or trash Addons.

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ran follower Dawnbreaker last night on demo lock…absolutely LOVED it.
Dont see what all the complaints are about.
Fantastic instance.

I just did the first time last evening so Ive not run it enough to see bugs much or not,
If its bugs that are the problem, hopefully they get fixed soon
But some of the complaints are just about the instance itself being bad…and sorry to those saying it, but it was a BLAST. Loved hopping on my mount to get between the ships.

Im sure its worse with real players, but the follower version of it is way too fun to be getting rid of it.

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It sounds exactly like Dawnbreaker except for the “great” part.

It is often broken though, so it has that going for it.

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You’re welcome to that opinion.

…I firmly disagree. I’d go as far as to argue that, in my opinion, Dawnbreaker is the best dungeon this expansion, so far.

I enjoy it more and more. Except for the fact you need to keep running back to the ship.

Help! come to the ship

Help Again! Return to the ship.

Big fight, leave the ship, and then come right back, twice!

Free Cookies! Return to the ship.

One of my favorites, keep Dawnbreaker and make more dungeons like it in the future. I loved the Oculus as well in Wrath it was one of the few good dungeons in the expac.

hopefully that gets fixed soon.
I really enjoyed it, hate to have a run this fun be screwed up for the entire expansion

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Thats your opinion. They are all great specially kobold