To add to the list of dawnbreaker bugs, this time while flying and following the boss it didn’t spawn a single light orb to fly through. Amazing.
its Dire Brew for me. That entrance area is fkn tremendous.
It’s so funny watching all the smoothies complain about having to think just a litttttle bit instead of just button smashing
There is a fine line between working mechanics and dank jank…and dawn breaker is dankest of jank…
Just cause most are having a blast in it don’t mean others are not having legit problems in it as well… light orbs failing to spawn, trying to land on the ship and watching as you phase right through it, tanks going “lamo” as they go right for the giant spider boss instead of taking out the subs, no REAL clear description on what’s going to happen with the green line till it happens to a new player in it…
Let’s not pretend dawnbreaker is not a hot mess…
It sounds like it could be pretty interesting if not for being very buggy.
Had a feeling Oculus was one of them…I was going to say that sethrakk dungeon from BFA as it’s such a mess. People suddenly seem to go brain dead on last boss every time I do that place
People are just lazy and don’t want to put in the work to learn the dungeon.
Running the dungeon on Follower Dungeon mode a few times helps you do just that.
Dawnbreaker is fine. City of Threads roleplay sucks.
There is nothing wrong with Dawnbreaker. However, it’s not surprising to me that people dont like it because Occulus gets the same bad rep. There are just a large number of people that just struggle navigating three dimensional space.
Candle dungeon on the other hand, that dungeon is terrible. It’s not even the whole dungeon, if you ended the dungeon at candle king it would be fine. I give credit to blizzard for implementing a new mechanic that is thematically interesting, but the gameplay aspect is just a huge PITA.
I think the recurring theme here is that anything that has rp stuff or slows me down and has me do anything other than press W and abilities is bad. If I have to think a little bit and use a tiny bit of strat or skill it’s bad too.
These dungeons are fine and a lot of fun and I hope for more of them.
It’s been the one that seems to challenge group coordination the most, but as soon as people learn the routes, it’ll be fine.
I think Cinderbrew Meadery is a lot worse. Dawnbreaker isn’t that bad once you know what you are doing.
I’m still learning that dungeon and was kicked from that dungeon I dread that dungeon and the the candle dungeon fighting the darkness got kicked from both
dawnbreaker is fine once u know wat ur actually doing, the bugs on the other hand are an issue.
lol we tried this at launch and the npcs don’t know where to go either they just stand around even when you put them on lead.
Yeah I know Dawnbreaker not that well like but There few part I wills ay
Pros: "Mount use and outdoor Dungeon is rare enough; I Love idea I can use my flying mount more than once.
2ndly: I love air ship battles, I like idea fighting ship to ship remind me few old JRPG that let me fight while on ship, Just get some pirates and we golden.
Cons: 2nd boss and you have to kill his speical enemy to remove his buff is bum Case tanks and some jackbutt Just make us go for boss, while have 3 stacks or so… and it not fun
That just it for con if they Tune 2nd boss with one speical mob to go and look for it then it should be ok as well nefed 2nd boss but all in all Dawnbreaker is fine.
not that bad, Really it quicker then Borzde dragon one ooh boy that suck and take up time, Lest htere you can cabuse shade caster for buff.
The worst part of this dungeon is porting to an in progress and immediately falling from the sky to your death.
Dawnbreaker is a very fun dungeon; it does not need to be removed from the game. I know a lot of people who enjoy this dungeon. does it have a few bugs that could be fixed? Sure, but mechanically, it’s a fun dungeon. If it isn’t fun for you, then that’s a you problem, and those who think its fun shouldn’t have to be penalized when you can simply choose not to do it.
As far as I can tell after nearly 20 years of play, This is the most sucktacular dungeon yet. just another step in teh Bliz drive to cause everyone to cancel their accounts