Seriously. Are you guys just trying to force people to NOT wanna do this dungeon? No way Im doing this on a key. THis is the most confusing, worst laid out dungeon I have ever seen in this game, period.
It’s not that bad
You hop ship to ship to clear it then hop back to flight the boss. When she wigs out and create a death bubble you fly around till she calms down and you flight her again. You may have to do it again.
After that it’s fuzzy the city is over run so I dunno about what to do about that. Maybe stay o the roof tops and drop down for a boss
Yeah i made a couple threads about this in the beta.
It actually turned out even worse than I thought on release. This dungeon is going to be the biggest PUG killer since Occulus.
I actually think it’s one of the best dungeons. yeah the first time it was a pain on the pug group, but we talked and had a good laugh over dying, then we just thought it out and killed it. Granted you are obviously not gonna always have a good group to talk over it, but just stick it out and learn. Don’t be the person that gets angry and leaves cause that isn’t doing anyone any good.
Yep it’s so bad.
Nothing even comes close.
Give me the Oculus, give me Old Hillsbrad, give Culling of Stratholme, give me anything but this dungeon. It’s so awful.
I haven’t played it but I’m still going to have to insist nothing is worse than Oculus.
Is this Nokhud offensive 2.0? I like gimmicks tbh
Um, no. The Oculus is the worst one by far. Dawnbreaker is confusing, but is salvageable.
Is it really so bad people are comparing it to occulus (admittedly, not that hard or long, but the gimmicks made it awful) or the CoT ones? (kind of cool thematically, but a slog).
The Darkness is the worst boss this expansion.
laughs in occulus
The cardinal sin of Oculus was that you weren’t even playing your character for most of it, you were playing a dumb dragon with 2 abilities.
People want to play their characters.
Wrath did that a lot too, occulus, maly, first boss of Ulduar
I actually had a blast doing that dungeon, first time in a while the game was actually thrilling for me.
Agreed. I see lots of complaints about Dawnbreaker and rightfully so, but Cleft and the candle nonsense is much worse imo.
be rog
use killing spree
I had no clue what was going on in the last fight. The rest of the dungeon was novel for my group, but it stopped being novel on the final fight
Don’t forget the siege weapons in Wintergrasp.
The vehicle interface was their new toy, in Wrath.
I was running this on a follower dungeon and the last boss, just kept kicking our butts. Is it bugged?
I will just leave at the start and skip the getting angry part. I can find plenty of other things to do in 30 minutes