Dawnbreaker is the worst dungeon in modern wow history

Just delete this from the game


What do you hate about it?

i absolutely agree, its insanely bad


Curious as to why.

I dont mind dawn breaker, its quick and clean.

During M+ rotation it will take a bit longer to kill the “generals” in town before the boss, but other than that it will be quick still.

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The flying, the stopping on two bosses, the layout of the town. So almost everything.

Also I get it can be quick, it still just sucks. I’m not doing m+ to fly around a map and not attack things.


I did it for the first time today and not one thing about its flow seemed intuitive. I sat there for over 5 minutes on the gunship being killed when I tried to take off because my party was in the town below and I was stuck up there being killed by the shadow debuff and it told me I needed a light blessing to survive, which I could find. Eventually we killed the lone enemy on the ship and the final boss showed up, we threw some bombs at it and it took off while I pursued it which killed me again when I dipped too low following it. Apparently I was supposed to be psychic and know where it was going to land to meet it rather than fly after it.


The first part going to the 2 little boats and then fighting the boss is fine imo.

People can apparently can just pull the 2nd boss with no issues and burn it down with all the LTs up in heroic mode, so apparently trying to learn how to pull the LTs in heroic is a waste of time.

After that flying back up to engage the last boss is fine. When she flies away, the lamp lighter boat doesn’t always spawn and you don’t always see the orbs so that kinda sucks.

Flying down and finishing the boss so it flies away is fine.

The biggest issue I have with the dungeon is really the LTs leading up to the second boss. There are way too many trash mobs down there and people are just flying where ever they want and are lost.

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Biggest issue is knowing where the hell your tank is gonna go after the first boss. Its a cluster doing loops truing to see where they went.


The simplest way to fix that part is to make it like every other dungeon that needed flying prior to DF and have flight paths/gryphons/whatever take us down to from the ship to the city.

Only reason this is a thing is due to the stubborness of Blizzard and them not realizing that Nokhud Offensive was a pain because they shoehorned in dragonriding as though we wouldn’t already be used to it prior to the dungeon. Whenever they come up with a new system for traversing and force it into a dungeon/raid, it’s an absolute chore. See: The Oculus, Eye of Eternity, Flame Leviathan.


Yeah or at least a clear indication on the map where to land. Right now I can see the little + icons along with golden circles and the patrolling boss doesn’t seem to be marked clearly.

It’s really confusing and not well marked.


I don’t understand the hate for this dungeon. I’ve ran it many times on heroic without issue and it’s probably one of my favorites.

You get some noticeable messages when it’s time for flying and the bosses go immune or fly away. I can maybe see not knowing where to go after first boss, but again there are huge map indicators and worst case you can just ask/follow the party.

Second biggest might be mounting up and abandoning the tank cause mobs got pulled, possibly by the tank, and the group takes off instead.

-mid-fight flight wasn’t fun in the raid, and it isn’t fun now
-can’t land on the roofs to regroup after first boss
-everyone is afraid to land and no one will use steady flight so we lose each other flying in random circles
-if someone heads to a mini boss, there’s never any communication about which, meaning they land among mobs alone…
-…assuming they don’t just zip right to the boss

also this is a very big issue.

very few players seem to understand this dungeon. and most players i run into will leave at the first sign of trouble, myself included. i’m not wasting my time in an oversized, overpopulated dungeon with almost no QoL attributes.


This is simply a get good moment. People just need too do yhis thing called learning, the mechanics.
This is basically the only dungeon that requires people to doo atleast a tiny bit of the mechanics annnd people suck sooo they fail and complain.

It really is just a skill issue, this dungeon isnt hard since we are doing it on heroic. None of the dungeons are difficult at all.

First boss, fly in 1 ms too early and clip the bubble with my wing and die. This place is awesome.

This dungeon is antithetical to what you learn for 20 years of wow; you cannot mount in combat. Learn it in solo with NPC? I tried, they don’t do anything even when told to take the lead. Even the NPCs have no idea how to do it.


I seriously dont understand how it can take someone soo long to learn to simply press mount button then jump 2 times. It takes basically 1 maybe 2 tries, pretty sure even the person that gives you the ability to fly during the boss basically tells you to.

For some reason it just takes the average wow player about 20 tries on a mechanic too finally doo it kinda correct.

Try as a druid and leap off the boat as a cheetah because you didn’t go bird. The biggest issue blizz has with these dungeons are that they are piss easy and you never have to learn mechanics until m+. Its just bad design. The alert that you need to mount up needs to be much more prominent, most dungeons used to teach you these things before you got to the boss.

My main heartache was navigation. Trying to learn in Follower dungeon mode wasn’t very helpful, except they won’t kick you if you don’t know where to go next, so the only disadvantage of trial and error is wipes.

I did figure it out, and AFAIK the flight phases were telegraphed well enough for me. YMMV, of course.

The other “lesson learned” was the utility of the zones in the city map where good guys and active bonfires established a safe landing zone. You’ll have to work your way from there to the next fight, but it’s better than a poorly-chosen landing zone where you immediately get swarmed by half a dozen body-pulled trash packs.

I don’t know if actual player groups will use those, however, given how YOLO gogogogo they can be.

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So the ship not spawning in for most people is a skill issue?

Teleporting through the smaller ships trying to land is a skill issue?

Not being able to attack enemy when they are clearly in front of you but the ground has some sort of LoS issue and not being able to heal friendly because of same issue is a skill issue?

Because clear bugs in the dungeon is def a skill issue…


I think the title has a typo… should be worst wow dungeon ever.

Buggy, motion sickness inducing dungeon.