Hello. My friend was on the verge of throwing up during the part of The Dawnbreaker dungeon when you have to fight things on the ship while it is moving. Is it possible blizz can add an NPC to sell an anti-motion sickness potion prior to the dungeon start? Especially if this one is gonna be in the m+ rotation. Thanks.
Yes please. I usually don’t get motion sick but this dungeon and grim-rail depot are horrible. I can dragonride/skyride completely fine usually but I was completely lost in that dungeon and died multiple times due to the motion sickness.
I just ran Dawnbreaker on Heroic for the first time and I still feel like throwing up even after the dungeon. They just need to update “Motion Sick Peon’s Magical Elixir” if it can cover Grimrail Depot, Maw of Souls, Blackrock Foundry, or Dragon Soul. It can be added for the Dawnbreaker dungeon.
I usually push atleast KSH if not higher (In DF I was running like 20-25s) but I for sure can’t do this dungeon at a high level like that or even on basic levels if I need literal motion sickness medication to stop it (which i shouldn’t have to do).
Echoing this feedback! I have pretty severe motion sickness and I don’t think I’ll be able to do this dungeon competitively without the elixir.
Echoing this sentiment as well, only get motion sick during this dungeon because of when your on the ship the background is moving
can we just stop moving the ships? bugs with falling through ships, motion sickness and general playability nightmare. Also clear collisions on every little rope/railing. this dungeon looks pretty but is the worst in terms of gameplay.
I was going to type my own response, but this comment pretty much covers it. My primary focus is running dungeons and pushing score, so not being able to play Dawnbreaker kind of ruins my entire WoW experience.
its really bad
I think this is the biggest issue. The fact that it is not immediately clear what to do or where to go would clear up with time as people learn the dungeon but these other things that are busted will not.
You can clip through the ship and die just from trying to land, some attacks seem to go off where the ship is pointing as it is moving and not where your character is pointing causing you to fall and die if you use them. Collision is bad in general in that whole dungeon and whenever it is, it pretty much is insta-death.
I just don’t think that it is fair to players to purposely make a dead key when it has already been pointed out that the dungeon has problems.
I responded to another thread here recently, but I submitted an email to accessibility@blizzard.com a week ago in hopes that they would add something for motion sickness in this dungeon. I encourage anyone here to do the same in case it helps push the issue further up the list of priorities. They have made changes before based on feedback and this is something preventing many people from experiencing this dungeon at their best, if at all. I also hope they fix the bugs.
I meds like zofran for nausea. The motion and confusion in Dawnbreaker is dizzying. I wish they would pay attention.
I also made a similar post in the bug forum (where devs are much more likely to look and take action).
Thank you. I’ll do that.
Thank you. Message sent.
I’m hoping to see an adjustment for this since they are tripling down on this dungeon’s participation: it’s in the mythic+ rotation, they recently added it to the leveling dungeon rotation, and it’s the dungeon you have to run for the weekly rep quest this week (minor, but something I do every week). I’ve seen a lot of complaints about this issue and it prevents players from participating in these activities. Sadly, it’s not a case of a place where you can close your eyes until the ship stops moving. I’m glad others are pushing for a change.
Whenever Dawnbreaker appears in the random dungeon queue, I feel a sense of dread because I know there’s a chance I’ll have to run away to throw up, and I’ve already done so once already.
I feel embarrassed about it because I know most people have never experienced motion sickness or had to excuse themselves from everyday activities, like riding in the backseat of a car, to pull over and throw up. It feels like a curse, and I really struggle with it.