Dawn of the infinite

No problem. I completed the whole thing tonight but you have to run with a chill and patient group.

I agree that was the most annoying fight!

This place is so overtuned its not even enjoyable. pug didnt even make it past the first boss. 2/10 at most i dont have bad gear and still there was no way to keep up.


morchie needs to be toned wayyy down, and the speedball room is fun, but kinda annoying with how much is actually being flung at you, the last boss was fun enough but, it felt like it dragged on forever.


Once you get the mechanics down to a science, its pretty enjoyable, but IMO the first and second boss should be tuned down just a tiny bit, its pretty unforgiving.


1 piece of loot from 8 bosses… on a weekly lockout…


I enjoyed every boss except Morchie. The rest of the bosses were great.

It was a challenge for my pug, doing the “charge in to see what’s up/wipe/read guide” method.

I enjoyed it! Made it to 4/8 before the group fell apart due lack of healers. Regret going as Augvoker without more experience.

I love the theme, love the Noz/Murozond story, love Chromie and all the creative avenues the timey wimey stuff allows the game to explore.

Only complaints are this strange lack of urgency associated with the place. Before we even go in Noz sits there and is like, “the Infinite went in, too late for me I’m afraid.” Why is everyone so nonchalant about this literal time bomb of a person in their midst, especially him? And Chromie’s voice is sounding more like those tiktok girls who over-emote this expac. Comes off as cartoony and childish instead of the usual endearingly-distracted-but-formiddable-gnome-dragon.

I am looking forward to getting back in there, though.

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Not for awhile.

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Morchie’s “fine the real me” phase was my biggest gripe.

I found the rest an enjoyable challenge, cleared in about 1h45m-2h in a full pug.

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Overall decent. Some bosses very tricky but fun.

First two were tricky but meh. I wouldn’t go so far as to call them bad but I certainly didn’t find them enjoyable.

Thought the Galakrond slime boss, Indikron, and Tyr guy were all very fun fights, top tier.

Morchie, regardless of difficulty, is just not fun fight design. And whoever decided to put an add that respawns right under the portal to the fight after a wipe to interrupt the runback should spend at least the rest of this week in meetings explaining why on earth they did that.

0 loot. Tank was happy with his trinket though.

Its really not overtuned at all. I had a group with a 420 pally and a mage who was figuring out his new stuff. We killed every boss in a couple of pulls, also was mostly a pug aswell.

This is the hardest mega dungeon, but its not actually that hard.

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I haven’t tried it yet, but I darn well intend to. Just been busy with work and other things.

By the time I try it out maybe things will iron out a bit.

We did not have this problem, but we also full cleared the platform. No adds respawned after all we’re cleared.

Does anyone know if the new drake skin drops in heroic or just mythic?

I’m at 426 ilvl. Any healers reading this thinks that’s enough to join a mythic group? Thanks in advance!

I’d say 425-430 is the range at which players can clear the dungeon but it will be a challenge, eg youll have to play 2-3 sets of mechanics depending on the boss instead of just 1.

There is only a mythic version for now. Heroic will come in 10.1.7 when the dungeon is split up into its two halves.

This is a theme in general in the dungeon tbh. The same can be said for Tyr/Deios. Tyr was 100x easier when we had the boss on the edge with dps/healer baiting the cone out of the arena to have infinite room to get the balls

Morchie would be a fine boss if things happened slower. Spot the difference would be better with like 4 more seconds (so each individual player can figure it out and make it to that side of room) and added a bit more of a delay for the fixates respawning.

Honestly my biggest gripe is outside of Morchie (who will eventually get solved via experience) the top half was a pushover compared to the bottom. Lothar actually just doesn’t do anything for being the penultimate boss and Deios is a like 2 mechanic fight where the one that matters (the balls) can be solo’ed, and should be, by a single person which will most likely be the healer (not a healer complaint).


I feel like the damage is bugged, pretty much all the bosses up to the end had like triple damage from what I’ve seen on youtube videos. The damage from skills in the journal varies outside the instance (like temporal breath from the last boss hits for 248K) and when inside it goes up to 554K and it did hit that number, being the healer I can confirm every skills hit like a truck. We’ve been stuck on the last 2 bosses for 2days and other guildies have been 1 shotting almost every bosses and can’t remember the mechanics. Anyone else having this issue?