Dawn of the infinite

How’s everybody liking the new dungeon/raid?
What do you like? And what do you dislike? Do you think it’s over-tuned or under tuned or just right?

Couldn’t get past the first boss. Think we figured out how the mechanics worked but people weren’t getting into the small circles fast enough and it pretty much 1 shot the entire group except the tank.


Im surprised my pug group completed it. We took 5 minutes before each boss to check guides n all. Nobody left. We were in it till completion.


Trying to learn Aug, plus my gear is a$$, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to run this dungeon for a while.

Work might wear me out, I would have a better chance Thursday next week. :sunny: :robot::sweat_drops:

edit: Best of luck to those Orcs getting their Gorehowl.


I don’t find it fun at all. We downed the first boss, but couldn’t get the second. We had a guild/friend run, minus a dps. After each wipe, we had to replace a dps, so we just called it.

The bombs we had to soak during the first boss were a bit hard to see, which added to the frustration


too low ilvl to try :stuck_out_tongue:

This, but it was still fun.

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Just finished the entire thing.

It was legit the most fun I’ve had in WoW in a long, long time.

More of this please, Blizzard. It was awesome. A few snags, but overall, ~chef’s kiss~


It was alright, maybe like a 7/10. Not as good as Tazavesh or Mechagon. Tazavesh and Mechagon were like 9/10s

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I liked it but wouldn’t try the zero death version.

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I really enjoyed it

Boss difficulty was all over the map, somehow first 2 were the hardest and others were free kills

We had 3 MCs happen on boss 3 and still had no one doe lol

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Here’s a tip, if you’re still struggling. Be sure to put circles (the ones that create sand all over the room) to the edge as far as you can, this clears up a lot of room space.

I like it. General chat is pretty entertaining, really helps boost morale.

But seriously though, it’s fun but I got to the second boss today and wtf. It reminds of a boss from FFXIV or something lol

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I’ve watched a couple of streams of it. Looks cool, looks fun. I probably won’t get to it for a while because I’m woefully behind the curve when it comes to this expansion. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it when I get there.

I enjoyed the challenge. It took a while to finish with having to pug it, but it was fun.

We learned the mechs of the first boss but still didn’t down it, one gave up pretty quick and I found the damage pretty insane for my BDK, real heal check.

That was just my first experience at ilvl 420, so a bit low but I don’t usually go much higher. I won’t say yet if I like it or not since we didn’t get anywhere. Personally I hope they allow it at a heroic level. Will still keep trying tomorrow.


The frontal is a healing debuff so use your defensive cds for it. That will give your healer time to to get your hp back up.

Ah thanks, we ran blind and tunneled the mechs for the sand circles.

Mostly fun.

Morchie is an annoying fight/npc