Bug still ongoing, tried dying, tried all zoning out, nothing worked
Just happened to me again, 12/16/23
Just bricked an easy +19 because of this. Great work Blizzard, as usual. Clowns.
Still happening, this needs to be fixed - just bricked my +18 with 8 mins left…
Just happened to me +14
Only thing of note was we were at 99% forces. I’ve run A LOT of Rises and never even knew this was a thing, never been below 100% forces either.
Still happening - just bricked a +19.
We were already over time and had about 101.5% forces. Mega feels bad to spend 30 mins in a key and then not even able to finish.
This has been an issue for over a month, but we can’t get it fixed. Meanwhile, we can’t take the jump shortcut anymore… because logic… Another wasted key.
Confirmed still bugged. Just had this happen. Group composition:
Demo Warlock
BM Hunter
Veng DH
Holy Priest
Just happened then. 18 Rise, bricked because Chromie has been scared away from doing RP.
I just wanted my 12 crests man.
Just happened to me too. Lost an 18 key.
Still bugged. +15
Still happening, 12/25/23
Still happening, bricked my +13 key. $50 expansion and $15 a month to play this.
still happening 12/28…+18 & 20+ minutes wasted…Thanks Blizzard
Had the same thing happen on +10 key with 15 minutes left just now.
Yep still happening. Lovely.
hell yeah this just happened to my and bricked my 26
dps: DH, Monk, Auggie
Heals: Disc priest
Tank: Pala
can we fix this blizz please
just happened in a +12.
dps: hunter, lock, rogue
heals: evoker
tank: pally
Happened to me twice, tonight, on a +9 and then on a +8.
Still bugged DK blood, DK frost, Shadow Priest, Resto Druid and Fire mage. in a +8