Darkspear Troll Heritage Armor Set Looks Terrible

I wonder if they even thought about this because technically it would make us ShadowHunters wouldn’t it? It did not take place in the original jungles where the trials would though and we did it as a team with an already ShadowHunter (Rokhan).

Exactly way too small, now they have 3 masks to fix instead of one.


It was easy to retcon. Lord of Lies and Loa of treachery simply made a decoy/ dopplehanger of himself to deceive the Mueh’Zala and Jailer. It wasn’t really him, he would be pretty bad Loa of deceit if he didn’t use deceit to protect himself.

And I always imagined that Damabla blessed Rokhan’s blade.


Would also make sense if he was only going along with Mue’Zala to be revived early then sneak away, but until they put it in game it’s only head canon.

Isn’t this suppose to be based off a really old concept art from warcraft rts days?

Dambala is meant to be super cunning I don’t think he would ever ally with Mueh’Zala becuase he would be focused the most about self-preservance, and Mueh’Zala is all consuming Loa.

It should be, but no not exactly. It’s based off of several concept arts both from the RTS and various art books, and modern wow models like Vol’Jin. They mashed them all together then took creative liberties with a bunch of the pieces not making a single one of them better than the piece they were based on but instead making them worse and if anything stripping cultural heritage from them instead of adding.

I break down all the artistic sources for each piece in this post.


That nose sock is definitely not from any source material. I don’t know why they did that, lol.


from their a…

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I remember seeing a piece of art way back that had that long hanging cloth but it was when it looked like the sketches. The troll was wider in the old pick when it was just a concept at the time of how they would look.

I dunno maybe it was a fever dream or I’m from another reality where it came from but doesn’t exist here.

You have two toes and no boots, you’ll never look good.

The cloth masks are Iconic, worn by Sen’Jin, Zul’Jin and some Witch Doctors. That said they never cover the nose and always cover the whole bottom half of the face with the tusks poking through the fabric. Unlike this one which goes between the tusks only like an elephant-turkey mutant hybrid.


Yea. I’d like them to make it so the cloth covers only the mouth and not the nose. I do admit it looks funky. I use one of the other 2 masks.

I wish wow had more masks.


Love your character name, brilliant. There’s still some hope they’ll fix it but I won’t be surprised if they don’t.


Wanna make a bet? idk why but I have a feeling they’re gonna fix it, it’ll just take them some time they move really slow.

I really want to be optimistic in this regard. Not just here but on WoW Youtube channel and on X people made lots of fuss about that mask, so at the very least they should address this element.

But at the same time, I don’t recall Blizzard changing something for the better for trolls.


Youtube automatically hides things they think the poster will be offended by, I was watching some peoples posts get taken down in real time and some of my posts would just never appear. Which tells me some of the negative feedback was being actively moderated and some of it was being automatically hidden. I imagine the owner of the channel can choose to read the hidden content if they want but I doubt they were digging through the negative feedback, probably weren’t even reading the comments.

Is it possible to go on X and just read the feedback? I can’t find it and don’t have an X account.

I agree they should address the community concern, or maybe a Community Council member could make a post regarding it.

You likely already saw link to the post https://twitter.com/that_kind_oforc/status/1779721696024650132

It has over 300 likes and everyone said that the mask is completely off. I don’t sit on X actually, so I cannot tell if there were other threads. Perhaps there were.


Thanks for sharing I’ll check that out!.

I saw that too, my comments were all being hidden.

One guy said they probably thought they were doing us a favor and if it wasn’t AI that kinda makes sense. Only a non Darkspear would cover that nose, it’s like our calling card.


Is it just me or does the set look ai generated? IDK what it is about it but something looks off.