Darkspear Heritage Is Shallow

Honestly I didn’t mind them giving Rokhan some spotlight in fact I encourage it, but I definitely hate when they have us standing around while the heroes of the story steal our killing blows in epic fashion time and time again, AND IN THAT HORRIBLE MASK NO LESS, which they forgot to take off his awesome new model at the end. Hope they don’t leave him like that.

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The color is more of a Teal but teal is kinda a blue green and some people consider it green some blue. I’m surprised more people didn’t question this, kinda sucks not being able to rock the tabard with the set, the brown and blinding red set looks worse than the washed out orange set.


Apologies if you’ve seen this already, I’m trying to spread it around. You guys should check out this post right here and follow the links from it, Fuzzbutt is on to something about the nose under the mask, this ain’t right and all that material bunched up over the nose, there’s more to it than just the nose being covered.


Tauren, Dwarf, Human, Undead, Blood Elf all seemed to be well received.

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Now you know how human players felt. They didn’t even give them turalyon, the current leader of humans, like you got rokhan. They gave them shaw and Vanessa vancleef, barely mentioned characters.

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The Draenei one was actually perfect. I didn’t think Blizzard had it in them to give a well written story but they did a great job on it, I was pleasantly surprised. The armor itself is uh…well, some pieces go with other sets so there’s always that. But for quest content, it was great. Very light on combat but I’m good with that.

Kinda weird that the troll heritage questline seemed like such a wet noodle in comparison. Trolls have been part of the Horde since Warcraft 2 (yes I know different tribe shut up) and are one of its most iconic members. But Darkspear trolls in general I sometimes feel like Blizzard just kinda forgot about outside of a few NPCs.


The Troll heritage was about on par with the Night elf one. If not a little better, since I encountered no bugs in the Troll one. That is to say, it was way too short and also pretty bad.

They definitely put more effort into the Draenei one.


The Orc, Draenei, and Human ones are perfect and what I think of exactly when I think of heritage quest. The Forsaken one is okay. The others that came out during BFA are also just okay, nothing particularly special.

Worgen and Night elf are actually just terrible, and the Troll one is like, just barely above that to me.


I don’t think blood elves or Tauren had good ones. Blood elves basically just had a rehash of the Ghostlands story and the Tauren one was a Shadowlands ad.


Thanks for reminding me I never did my Tauren quests! Gotta go back and do those, sounds like the Draenei chain was better, I’ll do that first.

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Welcome to what we Worgen had to deal with. Our HA quest insults us for being Worgen and tells us we would be better without it… great writers eh?

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Worgen heritage questline was artrocious. Heritage questline should’ve make you pumped for playing the race, not shame you for that. To this day I have no idea what they were thinking when they wrote it.

Therefore it’s the worst questline, sadly.

I mean the quest chain had it’s ups and downs, I felt unfulfilled when it was over. What’s up with Vol’Jin? After getting attacked over and over again has the Darkspear tribe mustered any strength in numbers? What comes next? Left me with more questions than answers and not in a good way.

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I like the Icon of Shadows back piece but I seriously wish they hadn’t removed the little masks and straps and voodoo doll and potions. If they were going to make changes to it they should have made it better by making it taller and adding skulls not worse by taking away features… Where’s the logic? Make it make sense.


Some kind of mojo bag or potion should have been included. Those shrunken heads on Bwonsamdis belt would have been cool too…

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I’d like a proper Shadow hunter effigy on the back. That would’ve been sweet.
Eventually spear quiver - but I guess these could be for the Trade post item, I was jelous of Tauren that they got race specific item. I’d love one for trolls too.


It’s strange they obviously found someone who loves and understands Draenei to make their quests, was there no one that could do that for the Troll? What’s the deal?

**Sighs deeply. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them update a quest chain to add more content to it, I have a hard time wrapping my head around delivering something that so obviously lacks in effort. Why? why treat your customers that way?

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The Head Hunters in Org, Echo Isles, and Draenor all have those rockin Javs, it would have made a great extra asset to just slip in as a cosmetic.

The proper Shadowhunter back rig and mask were literally the 2 main things that if they got right the rest of the set could suck, but they straight up failed to deliver.

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Yes indeed. Besides Darkspear tribe doesn’t consist only of Shadow Hunters, which are meant to be elite. But also headhunters, axethrowers, witch doctors. So it would be sweet to get something in that fashion.

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I miss the good old days when Thrown Weapons were a thing, man I miss throwing stuff.